When the owner is not a proper
BEFORE the noun.
ex: Le chat de la mère Michelle
La voiture de sa copine
In English you would simply say: My
sister's book, my friend's car
La préposition De
In English, we use‘s(apostrophe s) to
indicate that one noun possesses
another. This is IMPOSSIBLE in French.
The French equivalent is
Article + NOUN + DE + owner
ex: La radio de Thomas
De becomes D' if the name start
with a vowel
ex: La voiture d'Emile
Le cahier de Pierre
La bicyclette de sa soeur
Le chien d'une amie
Un ami du professeur
Un film préféré de tous les enfants
Lesbeaux livres de la bibliothécaire
In French, theobject comes firstand
theowner last(the reverse of English).
Le vélo de l'étudiant = The student's bike
Remember? You first talk about what
you want to talk about and then you
describe it.
De contracts with the articles Le and
Noun + de + article + noun is also
used to talk about relationship
ex: Le chien du voisin
La voiture des parents
ex: La soeur de ma mère