Elena Pera, 29 years old
The University of Queensland, School of Pharmacy, Brisbane, Australia
During my MPhil I developed an interest in ion channels and I decided to
follow my interests by applying for a PhD project with the calcium
signaling in cancer research laboratory, based in Brisbane, under the
supervision of Professor Greg Monteith. I started my PhD in June 2011.
My project focuses on the role of calcium transporters and modulators in
a specific subtype of breast cancer (HER2-positive). Expression of calcium
channels, pumps and calcium channels modulators is known to be altered
in different cancers, including breast cancer. However, few studies have
been carried out to evaluate changes in the expression of these calcium
transporters and modulators in the HER2-positive breast cancer subtype.
In my PhD I am investigating the role of calcium channels, pumps and
calcium channels modulators on the proliferation of HER2-positive breast
cancer, which may lead to the development of new therapy for the HER2-
positive breast cancers. I would greatly benefit from attending the
European Calcium Society meeting as this will give me a unique
opportunity to participate in a calcium-centered conference, to listen and
meet researchers and important speakers in the field
Calcium channels, pumps and channel modulators and
proliferation of SKBR3 HER2-positive cancer cells.
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