19 months fellowship to study the role of the Calcium sensing
receptor (CaSR) in breast cancer metastasis.
Salary : 2400 euros / month
Institute: INSERM, U1088 – Université de Picardie Jules Verne - Amiens (80) - France
Research Fields : Cellular biology, Medicine
Context :
A 19 months of Early-Stage Researchers levels (post graduate) position is available at INSERM U1088
(Amiens, France), funded in the framework of the EU FP7 “Multifaceted CaSR” ITN project.
Job Summary The University of Picardie Jules Verne has vacancy for an Early Stage Researcher (or
engineer) at the INSERM, ERI-12 (Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy) for the collaborative research
project titled “Implication of CaSR in metastasis of breast cancer” in the frame of the EU FP7 Marie
Curie Action: Multifaceted CaSR ITN (“The role of the Calcium Sensing Receptor (CaSR) in health and
disease, implications for translational medicine.”). Duration: 19 months.
Breast cancer patients with high bone turnover have higher risk to develop bone metastasis. In this
regards, mediators released from bone during the bone turnover, such as calcium, may influence the
metastatic potencies of breast cancer cells. As the CaSR is known to be expressed by breast cancer
cells, in this study we will investigate the role play by the CaSR in breast cancer metastasis
The Multifaceted CaSR Initial Training Network will study the role of the extracellular calcium sensing
receptor in two major pathologies: cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
The Early Stage Researcher will have to fulfil the following conditions set by the European
Commission to be recruited:
- The Early Stage Researcher (ESR) must, at the time of recruitment (i) be in possession of a
university degree, and (ii) have a maximum of four years of full-time research experience, including
any period of research training. This is measured from the date when they have obtained a master
degree. ESR should not be PhD holder.
- At the time of the selection, the candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity
(work, studies, etc) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the
reference date. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.
Finally, past experience of the Early Stage Researcher in cell culture (especially cancer cell lines),
western blot, immunoprecipitation would be greatly appreciated.
CV, copy of diploma, motivation letter and two reference letters must to be emailed to
romuald.mentaverri@u-picardie.fr to apply for the position.