ICSO 2010 Rhodes, Greece
International Conference on Space Optics 4 - 8 October 2010
A. Mazzoli1, P. Holbrouck2, Y. Houbrechts1, L. Maresi3, Y. Stockman1, M.Taccola3, J. Versluys2.
1Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL), University of Liège, Avenue du Pré Aily, B-4031 Angleur, Belgium.
Email : amazzoli@ulg.ac.be
2OIP Sensor Systems, Westerring 21, B-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium.
3ESTEC – European Space Agency, Keplerlaan 1, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk ZH, The Nederlands.
Proba-V payload is a successor of the Vegetation instrument, a multispectral imager flown on Spot-4 and
subsequently on Spot-5, French satellites for Earth Observation and defence. The instrument, with its wide field
of view, is capable of covering a swath of 2200 km, which, in combination with a polar low Earth orbit,
guarantees a daily revisit.
The lifetime of Spot-5 expires in early 2013, and to ensure the continuity of vegetation data, BELSPO, the
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, supported the development of an instrument that could be flown on a
Proba type satellite, a small satellite developed by the Belgian QinetiQ Space (previously known as Verhaert
The challenge of this development is to produce an instrument responding to the same user requirements as
Vegetation, but with an overall mass of about 30 kg, while the Vegetation instrument mass is 130 kg. This
development had become feasible thanks to a number of new technologies that have been developed since the
nineties, when Vegetation was first conceived, namely Single Point Diamond Turning fabrication of aspherical
mirrors and efficient VNIR and SWIR detectors.
The Proba-V payload is based on three identical reflective telescopes using highly aspherical mirrors in a
TMA (Three Mirrors Anastigmat) configuration. Each telescope covers a field of view of 34o to reach the
required swath.
One of the challenges in the development of the PROBA-V instrument is the efficient reduction of stray light.
Due to the mass and volume constraints it was not possible to implement a design with an intermediate focus to
reduce the stray light. The analysis and minimization of the in-field stray light is an important element of the
design because of the large FOV and the surface roughness currently achievable with the Single Point Diamond
This document presents the preliminary baffle layout designed for the Three Mirrors Anastigmatic (TMA)
telescope developed for the Proba-V mission. This baffling is used to avoid 1st order stray light i.e. direct stray
light or through reflections on the mirrors. The stray light from the SWIR folding mirror is also studied. After
these preliminary analyses the mechanical structure of the TMA is designed then verified in term of vignetting
and stray light.
The optical design of the Proba-V telescopes involves only reflective elements assembled in a TMA telescope
which allows a significant reduction of mass and complexity for a multispectral imager with a wide field of
view. However the mirrors are off-axis and aspherical bringing manufacturing and alignment difficulties. The
optical layout is presented in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Optical design of the Proba-V TMA