Volume 26, Issue 1 • Winter 2016
ISSN: 1181-912X (print), 2368-8076 (online)
Canadian OnCOlOgy nursing JOurnal • VOlume 26, issue 1, Winter 2016
reVue Canadienne de sOins infirmiers en OnCOlOgie
4 Cancer symptom management in the home: A
scoping review
by Kathryn Nichol, Dawn Stacey, Craig Kuziemsky and
Wendy Giord
11 Gestion à domicile des symptômes du cancer :
revue exploratoire
par Kathryn Nichol, Dawn Stacey, Craig Kuziemsky et
Wendy Giord
19 Management of iron overload in the Canadian
hematology/oncology population: Implications for
nursing practice
by Cindy Murray, Tammy De Gelder, Nancy Pringle,
J.Colleen Johnson and Mary Doherty
29 Gestion de la surcharge en fer auprès des patients
en hématologie et en oncologie : répercussions sur
la pratique
par Cindy Murray, Tammy De Gelder, Nancy Pringle,
J.ColleenJohnson et Mary Doherty
40 Advanced practice nurses: Improving access to
fertility preservation for oncology patients
by Eleanor Hendershot, Anne-Marie Maloney, Sandy
Fawcett, Sharmy Sarvanantham, Eileen McMahon,
Abha Gupta and Laura Mitchell
46 Infirmières en pratique avancée : améliorer l’accès
à la préservation de la fertilité chez les patients en
par Eleanor Hendershot, Anne-Marie Maloney, Sandy
Fawcett, Sharmy Sarvanantham, Eileen McMahon,
Abha Gupta et Laura Mitchell
53 Unmet supportive care needs and desire for
assistance in patients receiving radiation
treatment: Implications for oncology nursing
by Margaret I. Fitch and John Maamoun
60 Besoins en soins de soutien noncomblés et désir
de recevoir de l’aide de patients recevant de la
radiothérapie : répercussions sur l’infirmière en
par Margaret I. Fitch et John Maamoun
2 Editorial 3 Mot de la rédactrice en chef
Canadian Oncology
Nursing Journal
Revue canadienne de soins
infirmiers en oncologie
Volume 26, Issue 1 • Winter 2016 ISSN: 1181-912X (print), 2368-8076 (online)
Volume 26, Issue 1, WInter 2016 • CanadIan onCology nursIng Journal
reVue CanadIenne de soIns InfIrmIers en onCologIe
Making sense of the quality of evidence
by Krista L. Wilkins
Comment évaluer la qualité d’une étude
par Krista L. Wilkins
Reflections by a Canadian oncology nurse
regarding her international experience in India
by Zahra Lalani
Une Canadienne en Inde : réflexions d’une
infirmière en oncologie sur son expérience à
par Zahra Lalani
Case study of an oncological emergency: Superior
Vena Cava Syndrome (SVCS)
by Carla Foley Wells, Bob Cook and Peter Callahan
Syndrome de la veine cave supérieure : étude de
cas d’une urgence oncologique
par CarlaFoleyWells, BobCook et PeterCallahan
E-cigarettes: Guiding patients in a time of
by Arlene Court
La cigarette électronique : guider les patients en
période d’incertitude
par Arlene Court
Commentary on CANO/ACIO 2015 conference
by Jennifer Stephens and Jacqueline Galina
Commentaires sur deux présentations faites à la
conférence annuelle de l’ACIO/CANO2015
par Jennifer Stephens et Jacqueline Galina
Canadian OnCOlOgy nursing JOurnal • VOlume 26, issue 1, Winter 2016
reVue Canadienne de sOins infirmiers en OnCOlOgie
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal / Revue canadienne de soins inrmiers en oncologie is a refereed journal.
Editor-in-Chief Margaret I. Fitch, RN, PhD, 207 Chisholm Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4C 4V9.
Phone: 416-690-0369; Email: Marg[email protected]
Associate Editors Janice Chobanuk, RN, BScN, MN, CON(C)—books/media Jeanne Robertson, RN, B.Arts, BScN, MBA—French materials
Pat Sevean, RN, BScN, EdD—features Sharon Thomson, RN, MSc, BA, MS—manuscript review
Sally Thorne, RN, PhD, FCAHS—research
Reviewers Nicole Allard, RN, MSN, PhD, Bilingual, Maxine Alford, RN, PhD, Karine Bilodeau, inf., PhD(C), French, Joanne Crawford, RN, BScN,
CON(C), MScN, PhD(c), Dauna Crooks, DNSc, MScN, BScN, Jean-François Desbiens, inf., PhD, French, Sylvie Dubois, inf., PhD, Bilingual,
Corsita Garraway, EN(EC), MScN, CON(C), CHPH, Vicki Greenslade, RN, PhD, Virginia Lee, RN, BA, MSC(A), PhD, Bilingual,
Manon Lemonde, RN, PhD, Bilingual, Maurene McQuestion, RN, BA, BScN, MSc, CON(C), Beth Perry, RN, PhD, Karyn Perry, BSN, MBA,
Patricia Poirier, PhD, RN, Dawn Stacey, RN, MScN, PhD, (CON), Jennifer Stephens, RN, BSN, MA, OCN, Pamela West, RN, MSc, ACNP,
CON(C), CHPCN(C), Kathleen Willison, RN, MSc, CVAA(c), CHPCN(c), Patsy Yates, RN, PhD
Managing Editor Heather Coughlin, 613-735-0952, fax 613-735-7983, email: [email protected]
Production The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal is produced in conjunction with Pappin Communications, The Victoria Centre,
84 Isabella Street, Unit 2, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5S5, 613-735-0952, fax 613-735-7983, email: [email protected]
Statement The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal is the ocial publication of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, and is
directed to the professional nurse caring for patients with cancer. The journal supports the philosophy of the national association.
The philosophy is: “The purpose of this journal is to communicate with the members of the Association. This journal currently acts as
a vehicle for news related to clinical oncology practice, technology, education and research. This journal aims to publish timely papers,
to promote the image of the nurse involved in cancer care, to stimulate nursing issues in oncology nursing, and to encourage nurses to
publish in national media.” In addition, the journal serves as a newsletter conveying information related to the Canadian Association
of Nurses in Oncology, it intends to keep Canadian oncology nurses current in the activities of their national association. Recognizing
the value of nursing literature, the editorial board will collaborate with editorial boards of other journals and indexes to increase the
quality and accessibility of nursing literature.
Indexing The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue canadienne de soins inrmiers en oncologie is registered with the National Library
of Canada, ISSN 1181-912X (print) and 2368-8076 (online), and is indexed in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature,
(CINAHL), the International Nursing Index and Medline.
Membership All nurses with active Canadian registration are eligible for membership in CANO. Contact the CANO national oce. Refer to the
Communiqué section for name and contact information of provincial representatives.
Subscriptions The journal is published quarterly in February, May, August and November. All CANO members receive the journal. For non-members, yearly
subscription rates are $119.77 (HST included) for individuals, and $131.88 (HST included) for institutions. International subscriptions are $156.11
(HST included). Payment must accompany all orders and is not refundable. Make cheques payable to CANO-CONJ and send to the CANO
national oce. Notices and queries about missed issues should also be sent to the CANO national oce. Canadian Association of Nurses in
Oncology, 570 West 7th Avenue, Suite 400, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1B3, www.cano-acio.ca; telephone: 604-630-5493; fax: 604-874-4378;
Author Information Guidelines for authors are usually included in each issue. All submissions are welcome. At least one author should be a registered nurse, however,
the editor has nal discretion on suitability for inclusion. Author(s) are responsible for acknowledging all sources of funding and/or information.
Language Policy/ The Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal is ocially a bilingual publication. All journal content submitted and reviewed by the editors will be
Politique linguistique printed in both ocial languages. La Revue canadienne de soins inrmiers en oncologie est une publication ociellement bilingue. Le contenu
proprement dit de la Revue qui est soumis et fait l’objet d’une évaluation par les rédactrices est publié dans les deux langues ocielles.
Advertising For general advertising information and rates, contact Heather Coughlin, Advertising Manager, Pappin Communications, 84 Isabella St., Unit 2,
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5S5, 613-735-0952, fax: 613-735-7983, email: [email protected]. All advertising correspondence and
material should be sent to Pappin Communications. Online rate card available at: www.pappin.com
Opinions expressed in articles published are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reect the view of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology or
the editorial board of the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement by CANO or the editorial board of CONJ.
All rights reserved. The law prohibits reproduction of any portion of this journal without permission of the editor.
Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, 570 West 7th Avenue, Suite 400, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1J6, E-mail: [email protected]
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