FREN 103-002 Lecture - Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

2011 – 12 Winter Term 1
Beginner's French II (credits: 3)
(FREN 103-002 Lecture)
Professor: Edmond Rivère
Office Hours: (Arts 246) Monday: 3:30 PM 4:00 PM, Tuesday: 1:00 PM 2:00 PM,
Thursday 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (and by appointment)
Contact Information: UBC O phone: 807-9317; email: edmond.river[email protected]
Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes:
FREN 103: Beginner's French II
For students who have completed French 11 or equivalent.
Grammar, composition, reading, and oral practice.
Course Format:
Lecture, 2 hours weekly
Tutorial, 1 hour weekly: Students must sign up for one tutorial session which is worth
45% of the final grade.
Valette and Valette, Contacts. 8th Ed.
Course Requirements: For students who have completed French 11 or equivalent.
Students who have completed French 12 cannot normally receive credit for FREN 103.
If French 12 was completed more than four years ago or with a grade lower than 65%, a
student may seek approval from the department of Critical Studies to receive credit for
this course. [2-0-1]
Prerequisite: One of FREN 102, FREN 11, or equivalent.
Important note: However strong their background in French, students coming into
FREN 103 will need to review the previous chapters of the textbook Contacts. It is also
the student’s responsibility to read over each chapter before the lessons are covered in
Evaluation Criteria and Grading:
Lecture: 55% of final grade
Mid-term exam (chapters 11-14 plus cultural content) 20%
Final exam (chapters 11-19 plus cultural content) 30%
Pretest exercises (weekly) 5%
Tutorial: 45% of final grade
Oral component 15%
Writing assignments 20%
Reading assignments 10%
90100 A+ 8589 A 8084 A-
7679 B+ 7275 B 6871 B-
6467 C+ 6063 C 5559 C- 5054 D 0–49 F
Mid-term exam: The mid-term will cover material from lessons 11 to 14 plus cultural
elements. Students are expected to learn the vocabulary from each chapter and be
able to demonstrate their understanding of the grammatical structures studied.
Final exam: The final exam is comprehensive and will include lessons 11 to 19 plus
cultural elements.. In addition to grammar and vocabulary-based exercices, students
will be expected to write a 150-word paragraph on a given topic as well as answer some
comprehension questions based on a short reading.
All assignments must be submitted in class on the day that they are due, or as specified
on VISTA for online assignments. The instructor reserves the right to refuse late
assignments. If accepted, late assignments will receive a penalty of 10% per day
(including weekends and holidays). No assignment will be accepted once the answers
to it have been discussed in class.
Missed exams or quizzes will receive a grade of zero unless there is a documented
medical or compassionate reason to justify an out-of-time sitting.
Students are expected to be available during the entire final examination period. Do not
make any travel plans until the official exam schedule is posted on the UBCO website.
Out-of-time examinations are only granted for documented medical or compassionate
Course Schedule
Week of:
Sep 7: Course description and review of previous chapters
Sep 12 : Review and Lesson 11
Les couleurs et les vêtements
A. Les verbes acheter & préférer
Sep 19: Lesson 11
Assignment: p. 150 # 8 and p 151 #10
B. L’adjectif interrogatif quel
C. L’adjectif démonstratif ce
D. Le verbe payer
E. beau/nouveau/vieux
Sep 26: Lesson 12
Assignment: p 163 # 6
Les prépositions de lieu (160)
A. Le comparatif
B. Le superlatif
(Révision des questions à information)
C. Les questions à inversion
Oct 3: Lesson 13
Assignment: p. 185 #3
A. Les expressions avec avoir
B. Les verbes réguliers en IR
C. Les verbes réguliers en –RE
D. L’impératif
E. Quelqu’un / quelque chose et leurs contraires
Oct 10: Lesson 14
Assignment: p. 197 #2
A. Le passé composé avec avoir
B. Le passé composé : forme négative
C. Les questions au passé composé
Quand? (202)
D. Les participes passés irréguliers
Oct 17: Lesson 15
Assignment: p. 209 # 1
Les verbes sortir, partir et dormir
B. Le passé composé avec être
C. L’emploi du passé avec il y a
D. La date et l’année
Oct 24: Lesson 15
Assignment: p. 213 # 8
Révision de la place de l’adverbe en français
E. La place de l’adverbe au passé composé
Révision : leçons 11-14
Oct 31: Mid Term exam (lessons 11-14)
Lesson 16
Nov 7: Lesson 16
Assignment: p. 237 # 4
A. Le présent avec depuis
B. Le verbe venir
C. Le passé récent avec venir de
D. L’article défini avec les noms géographiques
Pays et nationalités (240)
E. L’emploi des prépositions avec les noms géographiques
Nov 14: Lesson 17
Assignment: p 249 # 4 and p 251 # 7
A. L’article partitif : du, de la, des
D. L’article partitif au gatif
B. Le verbe boire
C. L’emploi idiomatique de faire
Nov 21: Lesson 18
Assignment: p 264 # 9 (write out in full)
A. Les verbes prendre et mettre
B. L’emploi des articles
B. L’emploi des articles
C. Les expressions de quantité
Nov 28: Lesson 19
Assignment: p 289 # 7
A. Le verbe suivre
B. Les verbes vouloir et pouvoir
C. Le verbe devoir
D. L’expression impersonnelle il faut
Les expressions indéfinies de quantité (294)
Révision préparation pour l’examen final
Academic Integrity
The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. As members of
this enterprise, all students are expected to know, understand, and follow the codes of
conduct regarding academic integrity. At the most basic level, this means submitting
only original work done by you and acknowledging all sources of information or ideas
and attributing them to others as required. This also means you should not cheat, copy,
or mislead others about what is your work. Violations of academic integrity (i.e.,
misconduct) lead to the breakdown of the academic enterprise, and therefore serious
consequences arise and harsh sanctions are imposed. For example, incidences of
plagiarism or cheating may result in a mark of zero on the assignment or exam and
more serious consequences may apply if the matter is referred to the President’s
Advisory Committee on Student Discipline. Careful records are kept in order to monitor
and prevent recurrences.
A more detailed description of academic integrity, including the University’s policies and
procedures, may be found in the Academic Calendar at,54,111,0.
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Equity, Human Rights, Discrimination and Harassment
UBC Okanagan is a place where every student, staff and faculty member should be able to study
and work in an environment that is free from human rights based discrimination and harassment.
If you require assistance related to an issue of equity, discrimination or harassment, please
contact the Equity Office, your administrative head of unit, and/or your unit’s equity
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