9. Gestion des risques
“Robert Thornton, a professor of economics at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA,
has compiled alist, the Lexicon of Inconspicuously Ambiguous Recommendations,
of useful phrases for letters of recommendation on marginally qualified or
unqualified candidates. Thornton's AEA listing gives his specialty as Public
Employee Bargaining.
Some examples from LIAR:
For alazy candidate: In my opinion, you will be very fortunate to get this person to
work for you.
To describe aperson who is totally inept: I most enthusiastically recommend this
candidate with no qualifications whatsoever.
To describe an ex-employee who had problems getting along with fellow workers: I
am pleased to say that this candidate is aformer colleague of mine.
To describe acandidate who is so unproductive that the job would be better left
unfilled: I can assure you that no person would be better for the job.
To describe ajob applicant who is not worth further consideration: I would urge
you to waste no time in making this candidate an offer of employment.
To describe aperson with lackluster credentials:All in all, Icannot say enough good
things about this candidate or recommend him too highly. “ (cité par Preston
McAfee, Introduction to Economic Analysis)