4è - Holidays and the New Year
What did you do for your holidays ?
1. Interview a friend in the class. Find out more about your friend’s activities for the holidays…
Examples : Did you celebrate Christmas ? What presents did you get ?
Did you watch films ? Which ones ?
Did you read a good book ? Which one ?
Did you go shopping ? Did you go to the cinema ? Swimming-pool ? Ice-rink ?
Did you see your family ? Cousins ?
Stay at home Celebrate Christmas Get presents See family, cousins, etc. Eat a lot of chocolate
Have fun playing games Celebrate the New Year Drink champagne Go to + city name Go skiing
Go to the swimming-pool Go bowling Visit an exhibition Go horse-riding Go to the ice-rink
Hang out with friends Watch tv Go on facebook / on the
Play computer games Listen to music
Sleep a lot Read a book Do my homework Laze about / Relax Tidy my room
2. Write a paragraph about your friend’s holidays and compare with yours: what the two of you did and didn’t do. To compare, use:
whereas / so did I / neither did I. Read the example first.
« During the holidays, Mike went to Paris whereas I stayed home. He celebrated The New Year but I didn’t. I went to the
cinema, I watched Skyfall and Twilight, it was great ! Mike went to the ice-rink but I didn ‘t go because I don’t like it ! I saw
my family but Mike didn’t. I also read a good book : Harry Potter, it’s my favourite book ! I had good holidays ! »
Je raconte ce que j’ai fait I + verbe –ed ou I + verbe irrégulier (vérifie dans ton livre pp.174-175)
Je raconte ce que je n’ai pas fait I + didn’t + base verbale (= verbe sans terminaison, non
I played chess.
I didn’t _____________ chess. / I drank champagne.
I didn’t _______________
Rappel pour les questions au passé :
Auxiliaire DID + SUJET + base verbale