Fiche de préparation à l`E.E. Votre tâche : Vous écrivez le poème

Fiche de préparation à l' E.E . Votre tâche : V ous écrivez le poème.
Travail en paires.
Votre tâche : Ecrire Un poème à la manière de Shel Silverstein.
Chacun complète sa partie. Puis vous mettez en commun vos réponses.
Pupil 1 : Read the descriptions and actions,
match the animal with a problem.
A nimals' descriptions or actions:
The kangaroo jumps a lot on his back legs.
the lion's head is very big.
the elephant has got big ears.
The rhino has an enormous stomach. He eats a lot.
The giraffe has got a very long neck.
The zebra is black and white with stripes. (rayures)
Pupil 1 : Match the animal with a problem.
Animal Problem
the rhino /raqnFx/
the giraffe
the lion /laqFn/
the elephant
the kangaroo
a pain in his ears
a pain in his stomach = a stomachache
a pain in his neck
a pain in his legs
a pain in his head = a headache
Pupil 2 : Match the doctor's actions with the animal's problem (Important : This is a nice doctor) :
problem Actions for the nice doctor (il faut mettre au
a pain in his ears
a stomach ache
a headache
a pain in his legs
a stiff neck
his skin is black and white with stripes.
- look into his ears
- give him some tablets(des cachets)
- tap his legs / stomach
- can't change it.
- give him some cream
Pupils 1 and 2 : The other doctors.
The doctor is : Possible actions (il faut mettre au preterit)
scared of the animal
- run away
- try to cut off his leg / ear with a saw /sc:/
- give him a sandwich
- want to put him in a cage. /eq/
an ..............
a ...................
a .............................
a .........................
a ....................... a ........................
The animal's revenge : Voici des expressions qui peuvent vous aider.
to kick (verbe régulier) = donner un coup de pied. ; to punch (verbe régulier) = donner un coup de
poing ; to bite /aq/= mordre ; to put in a cage
(Les élèves peuvent inventer autre chose mais le vocabulaire doit être compris de tous. )
Votre poème « à la manière de Shel. » En salle informatique : Poème imprimé, illustré, artistique!
Suivez la progression du poème du crocodile. Choisissez un animal parmi ceux proposés.
Commencez par :
The (animal) went to the doctor's .....
To finish : your animal's revenge !
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