Beginning French II Prof. Irina Armianu
irina.armianu@utrgv.edu Office hours: M and T 9.00am-9.40pm
ARHU 324 tel.-8872
Fren 1312 is a course specifically designed for non-speakers of French who already took Fren
1311 or completed two years of French in high school. Those students who have taken French in
high school (3 years of French) are advised to enroll in Intermediate I- Fren 2311.
1. This course is designed to increase students’ basic elementary knowledge of French in
order to effectively communicate in everyday life situations in a French-speaking
2. The students are introduced to international cultural aspects of French European, North
African, African, Caribbean, Canadian and American (Louisiana) culture.
3. Students will develop a critical understanding of grammatical aspects of language
and rhetoric and allow them to experiment mind training for foreign language acquisition.
4. For students who are already native bilinguals, this course enhances their pathway to
trilingual expertise, giving them a professional career advantage in an increasingly
competitive global economy.
5. Learning a foreign language allows the students to re-examine their world vision as it
confronts them to other cultures.
1. Class power points posted for every chapter on Blackboard.
2. Optional Liaisons e-book or hard copy by Wynne Wong: chapters 5-9. You may purchase a
used copy on-line. The e-book would be advantageous, since it contains an audio component that
will help you to learn French pronunciation.
3. Exercices on blackboard or handout in class.
Evaluation: Grading measures and scales.
Quizzes + Attend.20% Homework 40% Poems and oral communication 10% Final Exam 30%
A = 90-100 B= 80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=50-59
* Any student wishing to withdraw from this course must do the paper work on time.
ü Attendance: The class meets 5 days per week: attendance is mandatory. This class
is a participatory class, which means you must produce oral work all the time by
practicing French language. The instructor may drop or fail a student after 5 absences.
All absences need to be justified.
ü Conversation practice: In order to help students develop their oral communication
skills, students are advised to participate in the activities of The French Club (films,
conversations and games) and to engage conversations with the French tutors at the LAC
Bldg. room 126 and the Supplemental Instructors.
ü Tutors or Supplemental Instructors: Help available with the French instructor or tutor
(their schedule to be announced in the first two weeks of the class). It is mandatory to
consult their help twice a month minimum.
ü Audio practice: French film series are available at Cine El Rey (McAllen) every first
Sunday of the month (free entrance, free popcorn and soda):
ü Homework: Exercises should be started on paper or Blackboard (as instructed) before
the class and final attempts to be completed for every lesson by the end of each chapter.
The scores need to be reworked until getting the highest score.
ü Testing: Student should prepare the grammatical lesson and reading before the class.
Random quizzes (pop-quizzes) may test your preparation. There will be a final exam and
no make-up exam.
Be aware of the great opportunities to study abroad. Apply on time.
Beginning French II 1322
1Courte présentation.
Qui es-tu ? Que fais-tu… ? Où manges-tu… ? Qu’as-tu sur ta table ? La nourriture
Chapitre 5-Partie 1: Révisions de conjugaisons au présent verbe régulier er et ir
Verbes irréguliers « être » « avoir » « faire » et « aller ».
2Le verbe prendre, l’article partitif, expressions avec avoir.
3Corrections d’exercices
4Chapitre 5-Partie 2 : Culture et lecture « Ma famille, ta famille »
Le verbe boire, articles définis et articles partitifs, à ou de
5Corrections d’exercices
6Chapitre 5-Partie 3: Expressions de quantité + de ;
Le passé composé avec avoir
7Chapitre 6-Partie 1 : Les verbes comme vendre
Le verbe mettre
Il y a + expressions de temps
8Corrections d’exercices
9Chapitre 6-Partie 2 : passé composé avec ‘‘être’’.
Pendant et depuis
10Chapitre 6-Partie 3 : Les pronoms compléments objet direct.
12Chapitre 7-Partie 1 : Culture et exercices phonétiques : «Pour toi mon amour » Jacques
Prevert Les pronoms compléments objet indirect.
13Corrections d’exercices
14Chapitre 7-Partie 2 : Récitation : « Pour toi mon amour »
Les verbes vouloir, pouvoir, devoir.
15Les pronoms y and en. L’ordre des pronoms complément d’objet.
16Chapitre 7-Partie 3 :
Révision générale. Composition : « décrivez votre chambre »
Comparatifs et superlatifs
17Corrections d’exercices
18Chapitre 8-Partie 1 : L’imparfait
19Chapitre 8-Partie 2 : L’impératif et le passé composé.
20Corrections d’exercices
21Chapitre 8-Partie 3 : Conjugaison des verbes « savoir » et « connaître »
Chapitre 9-Partie 1 : Le conditionnel
22Chapitre 9-Partie 2 : Le conditionnel dans les phrases avec si. Le verbe vivre.
23Corrections d’exercices
24Chapitre 9-Partie 3 : Les verbes croire, recevoir et voir. Les pronoms démonstratifs.
25Révision et préparation de l’examen. Corrections d’exercices
Study Days No classes or Exams
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