homework is a 5% deduction from the grade on that assignment.
- Regularly Scheduled Quizzes following completion of each Chapter and a
written Final Exam.
Extracurricular Activities
I will organize a number of extracurricular activities, including viewing French
films and attending exhibitions at the Alliance Française de Singapour, an
opportunity (optional) to dine at a local French restaurant where the students can
order their meal in French, in an authentic situation.
In the second semester course, I will discuss the opportunities for networking in
French and with French companies in Singapore (Eurocham, the French
Business Association and French Business Centre of Singapore) and will
arrange for the students to visit a French company in Singapore. I would like to
arrange with the FBA for students to attend a lecture or event after they have
studied 2 semesters of French.
Week One: Meeting someone; manners and customs; When to use first vs last
names. Pronunciation, L'alphabet français; Les accents. L'article défini: le, la, l' et
les; Exchanging personal information. Uses of Monsieur, Madame et
Mademoiselle; Le contact physique, Counting (numbers will be continued,
increasing, week to week).
Culture: La francophonie.
Week Two: Subject Pronouns; The verb être; Agreement of Adjectives; La
négation; Asking and responding to "How are you?"; Giving and responding to
compliments; Oui ou non; Offering, accepting, and refusing; Le verbe aller (to
Culture: Le téléphone; Merci; The toast: A votre santé; Refusing politely, familiar
greetings; Le café.
Week Three: Introduction to regular verbs ending in -er; Colors; Describing
people and things; Describing personal attributes; Describing clothing; Identifying
someone's profession. Groups of adjectives; L'adjectif démonstratif; Place of the
adjective; Le verbe faire (to do); The interrogatives qui, que et quel.
Reading: Offres d'emploi (job offers)
Week Four: Telling time; Explaining your schedule; Telling where to find places.
À + article défini; Le verbe aller (suite); L'heure; Les jours de la semaine; Le
verbe devoir; Quelques prépositions de lieu; L'impératif; Les prépositions de lieu
avec une ville ou un pays; Les mots interrogatifs où et quand.