Chapitre_6_files/C6 - lessons_1

Chapter 6, lesson 1
How was your weekend?
It was awesome. My cousins were there!!
Did you have a good time this weekend?
Oh yes, I did. I had a great time.
Where were you?
I was at a party. What about you, did you
h a v e a g o o d ti m e ?
No, I didn’t. I had homework to do.
Pour dire comment était son weekend, on
utilise le verbe être au passé. Il y a deux
conjugaisons du verbe être au passé:
WAS  I / he / she / it
WERE  we / you / they
Pour dire qu’on a passé un bon moment, on
utilise le verbe avoir au passé:
Affirmations: HAD à toutes les personnes
Négations: sujet + DIDN’T HAVE …
Questions: DID + sujet + HAVE …?
Chapter 6, lesson 1 (part 2)
Did you watch TV yesterday?
Yes, I did.
What was on TV yesterday?
There was The Terminator.
On which channel was it?
It was on HBO.
Was there a football game on TV last Sunday?
No, there wasn’t. There were two episodes of
Dexter on AMC.
On utilise le verbe être au passé pour parler de
ce qui est passé à la télévision.
Pour parler de ce qu’il y avait, on utilise:
THERE WAS  singulier
THERE WERE  pluriel
Chapter 6, lesson 2
Did you hoover yesterday?
No, I didn’t. I didn’t hoover.
Did you watch TV?
Yes, I did. I watched TV.
What else did you do?
I l i s te n e d to m u s i c , I s tu d i e d a n d I c o o k e d .
Pour parler du passé on utilise le preterit.
Il n’y a qu’une seule conjugaison au passé. On
ajoute [-ED] à la fin du verbe seulement dans
les affirmations.
Affirmations: sujet + V-ED
Négations: sujet + DIDN’T + BV
Questions: DID + sujet + BV
La terminaison [-ED] peut se prononcer de trois
manières différentes: [d] (played), [t] (watched) ou
[id] (visited).
Chapter 6, lesson 2 (part 2)
Did you go to the mountain during the
Yes, I did. I went to the mountain.
How did you travel?
We took the car. It was less expensive.
Did you stay at a hotel?
No, we didn’t. We stayed at my uncle’s.
Did you eat fondue?
Yes, we did. We ate fondue. It was very good.
Did you take pictures?
No, I didn’t take pictures.
Au passé, certains verbes ne se conjuguent pas
en ajoutant [-ED]. Ces verbes sont dits
irréguliers. On ne peut pas deviner leur forme
au preterit. Il faut les apprendre par cœur.
On utilise la variante de ces verbes seulement
dans les affirmations.
Affirmations : sujet + verbe irrégulier au preterit
(par cœur)
Négations : sujet + DIDN’T + BV
Questions : DID + sujet + BV?
Chapter 6, lesson 3
What is the best mark you had last month.
20 is the best mark I had last month.
Who is the best at Physical Education?
The best at physical Education are Linda and
What is the worst subject at school?
The worst subject at school is Biology.
What is the worst chore you have to do at
h om e?
The worst chore I have to do at home is
tidying my room.
Pour dire le meilleur / la meilleure …, on utilise
BEST vient de l’adjectif GOOD.
Pour dire le pire / la pire …, on utilise THE
WORST vient de l’adjectif BAD.
s ont
d es
Chapter 6, lesson 4
What were you doing yesterday at 6 p.m?
I was tidying my room.
Who ate Jenny’s cake? It happened yesterday
a t 4 p .m .
Was Stephen playing video games?
Yes he was. He was playing video games.
Were Kate and John laying the table?
No, they were not laying the table. They were
taking care of Zoey.
Rex wasn’t sleeping. He was eating the cake.
Pour parler d’une action en train de se dérouler
dans le passé à un moment donné, on utilise
BE au preterit + V-ing.
BE au preterit + V-ing correspond à l’imparfait
en français.
Affirmations: sujet + BE (preterit) + V-ing
Négations: sujet + BE (preterit) + NOT + V-ing
Questions: BE (preterit) + sujet + V-ing?
Chapter 6, lesson 5
What were you doing when Tom saved a child
from a fire?
When Tom saved a child from a fire, I was
doing my homework.
I was eating when Mr R killed Godzilla.
They were sleeping when Mr R saw a UFO.
When Mr R found a bomb at the supermarket,
we were shopping.
be (au preterit) + V-ing fait référence à une action
en train de se dérouler dans le passé.
Le verbe de la proposition introduite par WHEN
est au preterit simple (régulier ou irrégulier).
Dans la proposition introduite par WHEN,
l’action est ponctuelle (considérée comme brève). Elle
commence et se termine pendant qu’une autre
action se déroule (considérée comme longue) dans le
Chapter 6, lesson 5