NOM: ______________________________ DATE: _______________________
A. Écrivez le contraire de chaque adjectif suivant. (Write the opposite of each of the
following adjectives. NOTEZ BIEN: The symbol that you see before the blank
means “not equal to”).
1. Intelligent ≠ _____________________________
2. Timide ≠ _____________________________
3. Snob ≠ ______________________________
4. Méchant ≠ _______________________________
5. Paresseux ≠ ______________________________
6. Égoïste ≠ _____________________________
7. Grand ≠ _______________________________
8. Blond ≠ _______________________________
9. Sévère ≠ ______________________________
B. Écrivez la forme féminine de chaque adjectif suivant. (Write the feminine form of
each of the following adjectives).
1. canadien: _______________________________
2. américain: _______________________________
3. africain: ________________________________
4. généreux: _______________________________
5. sincère: ________________________________
6. roux: __________________________________
7. italien: _________________________________
8. paresseux: _______________________________
9. italien: __________________________________
10. brun: __________________________________
11. blond: __________________________________
12. dynamique: _______________________________
II. LES PRONOMS DE SUJET: Write down the French subject pronouns for each of the
following situations.
1. You are talking about yourself and another person: ____________________
2. You are talking about a boy or a man: ____________________
3. You are talking about yourself: _____________________
4. You are talking about a group of girls: ______________________
5. You are talking about people in general: _____________________
6. You are talking about a group of boys, or a mixed group of boys and girls:
7. You are talking about a girl or a woman: _______________
8. You are talking to one other person: _________________
9. You are talking to a group of people: _________________
III. TU AND VOUS: Indicate whether you would use tu or vous with the following people.
1. Your substitute teacher: __________________________
2. A lost six-year-old: __________________________
3. Your pet dogs: ___________________________
4. Your pet dog: ____________________________
5. Mr. Duffy and Mr. Foxen: _________________________
6. Mr. Duffy: ______________________________
7. Your little sister: _________________________
8. Your big sister: ___________________________
9. Your grandmother: _________________________
10. Your grandmother’s sister: ____________________
IV. LE VERBE ÊTRE: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the
verb être.
1. Il ___________________ grand et roux.
2. Tu ____________________ américain?
3. Ils _____________________ petits.
4. Nous _____________________ vietnamiennes.
5. Je _____________________ populaire.
6. Elle _____________________ snob.
7. Elles _____________________ généreuses.
8. On _____________________ intelligent.
9. Vous _____________________ diligents.
V. LA NÉGATION: Rewrite the sentences above using ne and pas. Ne and pas are words
that are used to make a sentence negative. They are placed around the verb, like the
following examples show:
Je ne suis pas stupide.
I am not stupid.
Nous ne sommes pas méchants.
We are not mean.
NOTEZ BIEN: “Ne” changes to “n’ ″ when it comes before the letter E.
Il n’est pas égoïste.
He is not selfish.
Tu n’es pas brune.
You are not dark-haired.
Now rewrite the sentences in part IV, using ne and pas. Use the blanks below to write
your answers:
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________________
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