Le 8-9 novembre - MmeYoungofSmyrna

Le 8-9 novembre
 Pass up your study guides
 Spread your desks out
 You MUST write with a pencil
 Place your test on my desk when you are finished.
Après l’examen/After the test
 “Panorama Culturel” on page 60
 Answer “Qu’en penses-tu?” 1-3
 Read “Savais-tu que….?” at the bottom
 Read “à la française” & “note culturelle” at the
bottom of 61
 When you are finished, begin copying the
expressions from “Comment dit-on?” on 61 in your
Panorama Culturel
 Qu’en penses-tu?
 1. What classes do you have in common with these
 2. What subjects were mentioned that aren’t taught
at your school?
 3. Would you like to trade schedules with any of
these students? Why or why not?
French Grading System
 0-10 Not passing
 10-16 Average
 17-18 A+
 19-20 Only the teacher can get this high!
Asking for and expressing opinions
 C’est… (It’s)
 Facile……………………………………….Difficile
 Génial……………………………………...Pas terrible
 Super……………………………………….Pas super
 Cool…………………………………………Zéro
 Intéressant………………………………Barbant
 Passionnant…………………………….Nul
 C’est pas mal
 Ça va
Exercice 25, page 62
 1. L’histoire, c’est…
 Barbant, nul, zéro
 2. La géométrie…
 C’est pas mal, ça va
 3. L’algèbre, c’est…
 Facile
 4. La biologie, c’est…
 Génial, super, passionnant, intéressant, cool
 5. L’espagnol, c’est…
 Difficile
 6. Les arts plastiques, c’est…
 Super, génial, cool, intéressant, génial
 Find the liason(s) in these sentences.
 Ils ont maths.
 Elles ont histoire.
 Elles aiment l’espagnol.
 Elle a deux examens lundi.
 Vous avez cours le samedi?
 Nous aimons les arts plastiques.