Zeta Books is an interna onal publishing house in the Humani es. Its focus is on
quality scholarly content in a broad range of areas. Our values are: quality, cre-
a vity, scholarship, depth and breadth, cosmopolitanism, and vision. We are
commi ed to be as compe ve as possible on both the academic and non-aca-
demic publishing markets and on working with authors, editors, and customers
from as wide as possible geographical and intellectual distribu ons and tradi ons
for the progress of knowledge.
We are keen on quickly adap ng to the most recent, dynamic developments in
the modern electronic publishing techniques, as well as nostalgic and conserva ve
with respect to the con nuing Gutenberg era of tradi onal publishing techniques.
We publish in several languages and are open to all cultural tradi ons. The mem bers of
our editorial teams come from all academic areas: scholars with specifi c backgrounds
in Anthropology, Sociology, History, Philosophy, History of Art, Tran sla on Studies,
Theology, etc. They provide a careful examina on and selec on of the Zeta Books
publica ons.
Zeta Books has been publishing 10 book series so far and has also been edi ng
4 academic journals. We are keen on seeing these numbers and corresponding
covered areas gradually expanding, but always with an eye on quality, rather than
quan ty.