Zeta Books is an interna onal publishing house in the Humani es. Its focus is on
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Zeta Books has been publishing 10 book series so far and has also been edi ng
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Cris an Ciocan (General Editor) cris an.ciocan@zetabooks.com
Vlad Alexandrescu (Editor: Journal of Early Modern Studies) jems@zetabooks.com
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Environment, Space, Place / 5
Journal of Early Modern Studies / 8
History of Communism in Europe / 10
Schutzian Research / 14
Book Series/Disciplines
Anthropology & Sociology / 16
Architecture / 18
Chris an Theology / 18
History & Philosophy of Art / 20
Founda ons of Modern Thought / 22
Medieval Studies / 24
Neoplatonism / 25
Pathways in Phenomenology / 26
Pa erns in Applied Phenomenology / 27
Phenomenological Workshop Texts / 28
Post Scriptum OPO / 30
Philosophy (Outside Series) / 36
Transla on Studies / 49
Forthcoming Publica ons / 51
Author Index / 54
Title Index / 56
Ins tu onal Online Access
Our Resellers by Country
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