Publications for the year 1976 1976 Journal Article/Peer

Publications for the year 1976
Journal Article/Peer-Reviewed Article
• Laurent Guy, Atassi G., Hildebrand J., "Potentiation of
1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea by amphotericin B in murine ependymoblastoma"
in Cancer Research, 36, 11, 4069-4073 (1976)
• Dagonnier Robert, Nuyts Jean, "Oscillating CO oxydation on a Pt Surface" in Journal of
Chemical Physics, 65, 2061-2065 (1976)
• Schomblond C., Spindel Philippe, "Conditions d’unicité pour le propagateur ? 1(x; y) du
champ scalaire dans l’univers de de Sitter" in Ann. I.H.P. XXV, 1, 67-78 (1976)
• Dumont Martine, Dagonnier Robert, "Dipolar interactions and critical dynamics of the Ising
model of order-disorder ferroelectrics" in Ferroelectrics, 13, 559-62 (1976)
• Corrigan E., Olive D.L., Fairlie D.B., Nuyts Jean, "Magnetic Monopoles in SU(3) Gauge
Theories" in Nuclear Physics B, 106, 475-492 (1976)
• Schomblond C., Spindel Philippe, "Propagateurs des champs spinoriels et vectoriels dans
l’univers de de Sitter" in Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. Académie Royale de Belgique,
124-134. (1976)