- to learn how to ask questions in French (expressions interrogatives)
page 108, 109
- to learn the verb ‘faire’ page 110
- revise the physical description page 138,139
- revise the objects page 140,142
- revise the items in one’s room + prepositions page 144
- revise the verb ‘to have’ page 152
- revise the definite articles, the indefinite articles page 155
- revise the negative form with the indefinite articles page 156
- revise the usage of the definite article page 158,159
- revise the adjectives and the agreement page 165, 166, 168, 169
- revise the nationalities page 167
- revise the colours page 174
- revise the adjectives that precede the noun page 175
- revise the difference between ‘c’est’ and ‘il est’ page 177,178
- En ville - Page 197 – vocab
- En ville - Page 200 – vocab
- Le verbe aller - Page 206
- Contracted preposition - Page 208
- (aller is followed by ‘à’ – so you should say aller au marché, aller à
la piscine, aller à l’école , aller aux Champs-Elysées)
- vocab –Page 210
- la préposition ‘chez’ - Page 211
- le futur proche - Page 212
- le verbe ‘venir’ - Page 218
- contracted preposition - Page 219
- Venir is followed by ‘de’ – (to come from somewhere) - so you
should say – venir du café, venir de la plage, venir des magasins,
- venir de l’école
- The stress pronouns – page 221