Le verbe Aller – to go
The verb “aller” is called an irregular verb because its forms follow an unpredictable pattern.
It’s the only –er verb that is irregular.
Because it is irregular, the only way to learn the verb aller is to memorize it in all of its forms:
Je vais – I go/I am going Nous allons – We go/We are going
Tu vas – You go/You are going (fam) Vous allez – You/Y’all go/are going (form./pl.)
Il va – He goes/He is going Ils vont – They go/They’re going (guys or guys/girls)
Elle va – She goes/She is going Elles vont – They go/They are going (just girls)
On va – One goes/One is going
The French use aller in three kinds of situaitons:
1. To talk about going somewhere:
a. On va au café. We are going to the café.
b. Mark va à la bibliothèque. Mark is going to the library.
c. Je vais au cinéma. I am going to the movies.
d. Nous allons au lycée. We are going to high school.
2. To talk about how things are going in general:
a. Ça va? How are things going?
b. Ça va bien. Things are going fine.
c. Ça ne va pas. Things are not going fine.
3. To talk about someone’s health or well-being:
a. Comment vas-tu? How are you?
b. Comment allez-vous? How are you? (formal/plural)
c. Je vais bien, merci. I am fine, thanks.
d. Je ne vais pas bien. I am not doing fine.