Name: Form: _____ Date: Exercises on the Simple Past 1) Complete

Name: ______________________________ Form: _____ Date: ___________________________________________
Exercises on the Simple Past
1) Complete the sentences using either " did ", " was " or " were " !
reading, when you called.
‰ They
waiting for the bus, when I saw them.
‰ Where ___________ you born ? I ___________ born in London.
‰ Where ___________ you go yesterday ?
‰ Yesterday at 5 p.m., there
______________ a good concert on T.V. .
‰ _____________________
you listen to it ?
‰ I ____________________
listening to it, when the children arrived.
‰ What ________________
he doing, when you met him ?
2) Ecrivez chacun des verbes dans la colonne qui correspond à la prononciation de son suffix " - ed " .
verbes à classer
I received
we worked
they played
he waited
Bob picked
they loved
she looked
verbes à classer (suite)
I enjoyed
he talked
they wanted
John washed
I treated
he crawled
you blinded
3) Find the Past Tense !
I go
she writes
he plays
I invent
they survive ˆ
she does
you are
they have
it happens
you look like ˆ
4) Dites si vous avez fait ces actions hier, ou si vous ne les avez pas faites après avoir formé les questions !
L'utilisation des réponses courtes est interdite !
1._________ you w____________ your father' s car ? ˆ
2. ________ you br__________ your hair correctly ? ˆ
3. ________ you cl__________________ your room ? ˆ
4. ________ you he________________ your mother ? ˆ
5. ________ you pl_______ t________ with friends ? ˆ
5) Complétez ces phrases par un verbe au passé !
6) WHAT were their jobs ?
1. Dave ________________ the baby' s room yesterday.
2. Vanessa w_____________ to a concert last weekend.
ˆThey w_ _ _ m_________________.
MARTIN LUTHER ˆHe w __________ a German mo_ _ .
3. They w___________________ a western a week ago.
ˆHe w_______ a wr______________.
4. We c____________ our room, because it ____ messy.
ˆHe w_______ a p_______________.
5. I _ _ _ not c____________ my hair before going out.
ˆShe w______ an Egyptian qu______.
7) CLASSEZ ces phrases en 2 colonnes selon le temps du verbe en mettant le chiffre dans la bonne case !
1. I painted the kitchen yesterday.
2. It wasn' t very dirty.
3. It is very clean now.
4. Did you paint it white ?
5. Do you often paint it ?
6. I do not paint it every year.
7. Isn' t she of African origin ?
8. Didn' t you like the film ?
9. I visited it every year.
10.They were not born in May.
8 ) Complétez ces phrases par le verbe au temps qui convient !
1. ( do... do ? / are ... doing ? / did ... do ? )
ˆ " Mary ?! What _________ you _________________? "
2. ( am cleaning / clean / cleaned )
ˆ I ___________________________ my room yesterday.
3. ( did ... do ? / are going to do ? /do ... do ? )
ˆ " What _______________________ next weekend ? "
4. ( was / were / did )
ˆ Laurel and Hardy _________________ very funny.
5. ( does ... write / was ... writing / did ... write ) ˆ What _______ Victor Hugo _________________ ?
6. ( writes / wrote / is writing )
ˆ He ________________________ " Les Misérables ".
7. ( is building / built / build )
ˆ Mr. Kingsley __________________ his house in 1985.
8. ( finds / found / find / to find )
ˆ The officer __________________ something in my bag.
9. ( was / were / will be / is )
ˆ The Bakers _____________ very happy with the gift.
10. ( like / liked / did like / was liking )
ˆ What was the weather _________________________ ?
9) Talking about historic characters
Who was Henry VIII ?
When was he born ?
Where was he born ?
Who were his parents ?
How many wives did he have ?
Who were his children ?
When did he die ?
10) Who was Mme.Tussaud ? Write a short biography !
11) What did you do yesterday ?