IV. Grammar
A. Object Pronouns
1. Location of object pronouns:
-avant l’auxiliaire (au passé compose)
-avant le verbe conjugé (au présent, à l’imparfait)
-avant l’infinitif (s’il y en a)
2. Use of pronouns
1. le=him, it 3. lui=to him, to her (look for à + 1 person)
2. la=her, it 4. leur=to them (look for à + more than one person)
5. y=there (replaces phrases that start with “à+ anything NOT a person or any
prepositional phrase of location like “dans ta chambre” or “chez moi”, etc.)
6. en=replaces phrases that start with “de”, so it can translate into many different things
B. Passé Composé vs. Imparfait: Watch out for clue phrases
{imparfait=things that were happening, used to happen, describing the background
information, habitual actions that have no clear beginning or end}
{passé composé=abrupt actions that have happened a specific amount of times or that
clearly began and ended at more specific times}
1. We drove my little brother to his baseball game.= Nous________________mon petit
frère à son match. (avons conduit, conduisions)
2. What school did you used to go to? A quel lycée ___________?(es-tu allé, allais-tu)
3. We finished our project last week. Nous______________ nos projets la semaine
dernière. (finissions, avons fini)
4. I used to listen to the Backstreet Boys when I was ten. J’__________________les
Backstreet Boys quand j’___________ 10 ans.
a. écoutais, étais
b. ai écouté; étais
c. ai écouté; ai été
d. écoutais; ai été)