Writing activity : writing a postcard
Devoir Maison à rendre pour le lundi 20 avril 2009
▪You are on holiday and you decide to write a postcard.
1) Choose who you are going to write to = the addressee ( choisis à qui tu vas écrire = le
destinataire) : a friend? A member of your family? Your Mum and Dad?
2) Choose where you are on holiday (choisis ton lieu de vacances) : in a city? In the country?
In the mountains? At the seaside?
Be careful: you must be on holiday in an English-speaking country (attention: ton lieu de
vacances doit se situer dans un pays anglophone)
Here are some websites where you can find ideas and information :
- Australia : http://www.australia.com
- USA: http://www.usatourist.com
- Ireland: http://discoverireland.com
- Great-Britain : http://www.visitbritain.co.uk/about-britain
- South Africa : http://www1.southafrica.net/cultures/en-US/consumer.southafrica.net/
- Canada : http://www.canada.travel/splash.en-gb.html
▪Your postcard must look like the following model:
- On one side, draw or stick a picture of your holiday destination
- On the other side, write your text and the name and address of the addressee.
- Don’t forget the stamp!
You can choose the size and shape (taille et forme) of your postcard.
You can also go to the “Collège de Vaugelas” website http://www.collegevaugelas.com
(Enseignements/Anglais/Cinquième) and follow the given link to create your postcard.
▪ Your text must contain (les éléments que ta carte postale doit comporter):
1) An opening : it includes the name of the person who receives the message
2) The sort of time you’re having at your holiday destination
3) What the weather is like
4) What you did yesterday
5) An opinion about the people, your activities or how you feel
6) A closing : it’s the end of the message
7) Your signature
Holiday destination :
Picture or drawing
First Name & Surname
Number Street
Zip Code & Town