REVISIONS de quelques structures complexes:…
…afin de varier la construction des phrases dans vos essais
(au lieu de se cantonner à la structure « sujet + verbe + complément)
Not only : en début de phrase (+ forme d’insistance avec « do, does, did » et une
inversion sujet-verbe) (= non seulement…., mais…)
Not only does this strike hit all commuters, but it hampers industry as a whole.
Not only is the journalist biassed against immigrants, but he is dishonest.
No matter what/ where/ how/ when/ who/ whether etc… (= peu importe ce
que/ où/ quand/ comment…)
No matter what region, women are most vulnerable to economic downturns.
No matter whether the strikers were right or not, we must try to understand their
Whatever, wherever, whoever, however…
Whatever the author tries to prove,…
Wherever you go, you will find McDonald’s restaurants.
Whoever is caught for a third offense will go to jail
However tempting the prospect of a single currency may be, some EU countries remain wary
(= prudent, sur ses gardes) = Aussi tentant que soit…
ADJECTIF + as + sujet + may…. (= Aussi …. Que…)
Paradoxical as it may seem,… ( = aussi paradoxal que cela puisse paraître)
Improbable as they may seem, these figures are right.