Le développement des technologies de conception assistée par
ordinateur (CAO)
appliquées aux biomatériaux, a permis l’émergence d’implants
réalisés sur mesure, conçus pour parfaitement s’adapter à la zone
à reconstruire et permettant d’assurer, de manière aisée et moins
invasive, une réparation optimale du squelette craniofacial. Déve-
loppés initialement pour la reconstruction des larges pertes de
substances de la voûte crânienne, les implants sur mesure ont per-
mis d’optimiser les résultats cosmétiques, en évitant la morbidité
d’un prélèvement osseux ou les résultats imparfaits fréquemment
rencontrés en cas de conformation peropératoire de biomatériaux.
Ces implants ont dès lors montré leur intérêt pour la reconstruc-
tion du squelette facial et notamment de la région orbitaire. La
simulation préopératoire informatisée menée en collaboration
avec les industriels permet dès lors d’anticiper et d’optimiser les
reconstructions de manière unique et optimale.
Computer Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery in
clinical routine use
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Schramm, MD DDS PhD
Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Military Hospital Ulm, Academic Hospital of the University of
Ulm, Germany - Address: Oberer Eselsberg 40, D-89081 Ulm,
Computer-assisted preoperative planning, intraoperative naviga-
tion and intraoperative imaging for a long period of time have not
been practiced as part of the surgical routine in the eld of oral and
maxillofacial surgery. Advances in imaging techniques pre- and
intraoperatively and associated technologies have led within the
past 15 years to improve preoperative and intraoperative guidance
for the surgeon. e patient´s individual anatomy is assessed in
multiplanar (axial, coronal, sagittal) and three-dimensional views.
Virtual resections and reconstructions in midface and skull base
tumors, complex trauma and craniofacial malformations as much
as orthognathic surgery and guided dental implantology have be-
come clinical routine in our patients care. Intraoperative naviga-
tion is done using frameless stereotaxy combined with intraopera-
tive imaging techniques. Intraoperative guidance by navigational
surgery or CAD-CAM templates is used. New software deve-
lopments for automatic bone segmentation of standard CT data
sets dramatically reduce the time period for preoperative plan-
ning in virtual facial reconstruction. e resulting virtual model
is used for intraoperative navigation, guiding the reconstructive
procedure to the desired result and controlled by intraoperative ct
scanning. Computer-assisted preoperative planning and surgery
techniques have improved operators condence in maxillofacial
surgery. Anatomical structures can be identied intraoperatively
and preplanned reconstructions can be realized. Especially image
fusion of pre- and intraoperative data sets enables detailed eva-
luation of postsurgical outcomes allready inside the OR theatre,
especially when Since stereolithographic models can be produced
at a very low cost level they should be considered as a operation
time saving factor when they are used to prebend the plates and
measuring the screw length preoperatively in mandibular primary
and secondary reconstructions. Using this technique all kinds
of modications of the shape of the plates can be virtually or
mechanically preformed to allow patient specic prefabrication
for primary and secondary reconstructions of the mandible and
midface independent from the type of reconstruction (e.g. vascu-
larized bone graft, free bone graft, alloplasts). Also the installation
of xtures for prosthetic reconstruction in maxillofacial surgery
in patients is performed on the base of 3D-toothborn devices
used for intraoperative controlling of insertion of dental implants.
Virtual insertion of implants, with dierent diameters and length
with or without previous bony reconstruction of the maxilla and
mandible was performed in over 1000 patients. is improves
preoperative planning by valid 3D visualization of the anatomic
situs and virtually positioning of the xture. It faciliates the clini-
cal procedure by guiding the drill and the implant to the intended
position to produce reliable prosthodontics restoration based on
real backwards planning. In this presentation computer-assisted
maxillofacial surgery is presented in facial trauma, craniofacial
and orthognathic surgery, tumor treatment and oral implantology
in clinical routine.
Chapitre 1
Human amniotic membrane for guided bone re-
Gindraux F1,2,3*, Laurent R1,4, Layrolle P5, Zwetyenga N1,6,
Wajszczak L1,6 and Meyer C1,7
1 Intervention, Innovation, Imagery, Engineering in Health (EA
4268), SFR FED 4234, University of Franche-Comté, Besancon,
2 Orthopaedic and Traumatology Surgery Service, University
Hospital of Besancon, France
3 Clinical Investigation Centre in Biotherapy, University Hospi-
tal of Besancon, France
4 Paediatric Surgery Service, University Hospital of Besancon,
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