Associate professor of marketing and entrepreneurship
EDC-Paris Business School
70 galerie des Damiers - Paris La Défense 1
Since July 2010 Associate professor at EDC-Paris and Sup de Luxe Paris
Courses taught: Entrepreneurial marketing, Brand management, Category management
Research interests: SMEs, Entrepreneurial marketing, Marketing resources, Organizational configurations
2007-2010 Category Manager Bel France (France)
2001 – 2007 Export area Manager Bel Africa (Benin & South Africa)
1998-2001 Marketing and Sales director Yoplait Africa (Gabon)
1996-1998 National Service Aid Work French Government (St Lucia)
1995 Marketing Assistant Professor Nice University (France)
2015 PhD in Management Sciences, IAE de Paris - Sorbonne Univ.
2011 Master of Research in Management, IAE de Paris - Sorbonne Univ.
2009 Master of Marketing, IAE de Paris - Sorbonne Univ.
1996 Master of Business Administration, IAE de Nice – Sophia Antipolis Univ.
1995 Agricultural Engineer, ISTOM, Polytechnicum St Louis - Cergy-Pontoise
Articles in peer reviewed journals
(2013) Lévy, Saidi, Sellami, & Massiera, Communication des cabinets d’audit et d’expertise comptable
pour optimiser le chiffre d’affaires, La Revue du Financier, vol. 35, n°202.
(2012) Gilmore, McAuley, Gallagher & Massiera, Researching SME/Entrepreneurial Research: A study
of Journal of Research in Marketing & Entrepreneurship (JRME) 2000-2011, Journal of Research in Marketing
and Entrepreneurship, vol.15, issue 2.
(1998) Massiera, La performance sociétale : une nouvelle approche de la qualité totale, Direction et
Gestion, vol. 33, n°172/173.
(2015) Massiera, Mind the gap! La difficile caractérisation des capacités marketing dynamiques,
presented at the AIMS workshop on Micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities, AIMS research group
"Resources, Competences, and Dynamic Capabilities", the 22-23rd of march 2016, Paris, France.
(2015) Massiera, Gilmore, Sellami, Negative performances, marketing illegitimacy and the marketing
communication intensity of French SMEs, presented at the RENT XXIX – Research in entrepreneurship and
small business, the 18th-20th of november 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
(2015) Massiera, Gilmore, Sellami, Marketing capabilities within SMEs: the influence of market
uncertainty and marketing education, presented at the RENT XXIX – Research in entrepreneurship and small
business, the 18th-20th of november 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
(2013) Massiera, Sellami, Does the possession of core marketing assets and capabilities differ among
SMEs according to their size and age?, presented at SIG of the American Marketing Association in
Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing, the 7th -9th of august 2013, Boston, USA.
(2013) Gilmore, McAuley, Gallagher & Massiera, SME/Entrepreneurial Research: A study of how SMEs
are defined and methods used in leading SME Marketing & Entrepreneurship journals, presented at SIG of the
American Marketing Association in Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing, the 7th -9th of august 2013,
(2011) Massiera, An exploratory survey of the Marketing legitimacy among SMEs, presented at SIG in
Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing Research Symposium, the 13th of september 2011 – Strathclyde
Business School, United Kingdom.
(2010) Massiera, La RSE d’un point de vue Marketing, Quelle responsabilité, quel instrument ? ,
presented at "Le pilotage de la performance durable - enjeux intra et inter organisationnels", 18 novembre 2010,
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Commerce Extérieur et l’Economie, groupe ESCE.