Π Ε Ρ Ι Ε Χ Ο Μ Ε Ν Α / C O N T E N T S
. Ν. ΜΑΡΝΙΤΗΣ, Ένα σκάνδαλο τη Οδύσσειας: o φιλέταιρο
Οδυσσέα και οι νήπιοι εταίροι 11
EGBERT J. BAKKER, Crime and Punishment in the Narrative Condition 23
C. ANTYPAS,Dike in a Pre-polis Society: the Evidence
from Homeric Epic 39
NAOKO YAMAGATA,The Justice of Zeus Revisited 47
EFSTRATIOS SARISCHOULIS,Hybris in den Epen Homers: der
feststehende Ausgang der Vorbestimmung des Schicksals und
des Planens der Götter oder das Ergebnis der Individuellen Absicht
und des freien Willens? 57
ANAÏS MARCHIANDO, Les Erinyes dans la poésie épique:
essai de comparaison 81
ARIADNI GARTZIOU-TATTI, Erotic Pursuit and Punischment in the
Odyssey. The Eternally Punished of Nekyia 97
EFIMIA D. KARAKANTZA, Who is Liable for Blame?
Patroclus’ Death in Book 16 of the Iliad 117
GEORG DANEK, Achilles Hybristēs? Tisis and Nemesis in Iliad 24 137
MENELAOS CHRISTOPOULOS, Odysseus, Diomedes, Dolon
and Palamedes. Crimes of Mystery and Imagination 153
FLORA P. MANAKIDOU, Τατ’ έθέλοι’ ν δεν:
The Optative Aspect of Punishment in the Odyssey 167
DAVID BOUVIER, Et si Ulysse était un criminel de guerre?
À une larme près! 189
NANCY FELSON and LAURA SLATKIN,Nostos,Tisis, and two
Forms of Dialogism in Homer’s Odyssey 211
MALCOLM DAVIES, Badmouthing Punished: the Death
of Locrian Ajax at Odyssey 4.499-511 223
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