Devoirs Unité 4 (continué)

Devoirs Français IA
Leçons 7 et 8
Etudier: p. 94 et 96 les verbes en –er
Ecrire: (to hand in) conjugate the following 5 verbs : aimer, travailler,
étudier, habiter, manger. Use a different color for the stem and the endings.
Ecrire: p. 97 du texte #5 (write the whole sentence)
Etudier: p. 98 la forme négative
Ecrire: page 97 du texte #8. Make sure you write all 6 sentences for each of the
5 subjects
Etudier et ecrire (study and write in notes) p. 100 vocabulaire « Mots utiles » et
« Expressions pour la conversation. » Write the sentences as well as the words
and their meanings since these sentences show you where you put these adverbs
in a sentence. Add “formidable” (great), “génial” (cool) and “assez” (rather) as in
assez bien = rather well, or pretty well
Ecrire: p. 99 #9. Write all 12 sentences in the negative form using as many
different subjects as possible (je, tu, il etc.).
Etudier: p. 101 la construction “verbe + infinitif”. Also remember that adorer (to
love) and détester (to dislike, hate) act the same as the verbs listed
Ecrire: p. 101 #15 p. 103 #3 (texte)
Ecrire: cahier d’exercices pages 71, 72, 73, et 74
Interrogation écrite : test leçon 7 pages 92-101
Lire : Notes culturelles p. 105
Lire : p.120-121 Ecrire “comparaisons culturelles” page 121
Etudier: p. 106 les questions d’informations
Etudier: p. 106 vocabulaire. Also write them in your notes.
Ecrire: p. 107 #2 et #4
Etudier: p. 108 Les expressions interrogatives avec qui. Write everything in the 2
green boxes (including the examples) in your notes.
Ecrire: p. 109 #7
Etudier: p. 109 Qu’est-ce que?, and p. 110 le verbe faire et le vocabulaire. Write
the whole verb and the expressions in the yellow box with the examples in
your notes
Ecrire p. 110 #9
Etudier: p. 111 l’interrogation avec inversion
Ecrire: p. 111 # 11
p. 112 #2. Ask the question using the “est-ce que” form as in the example.
Then rewrite the question using inversion.
p. 113 #4 Write down 6 questions using inversion. You do not need to ask
the questions or write a summary. Just write the questions.
Interrogation écrite (quiz) all question words, conjugation of faire, and the 4
expressions with faire
Ecrire: cahier d’exercices pages 77, 78. 79
Ecrire : feuille (handout)
Interrogation écrite : test leçon 8 pages 104 - 111
Ecrire : feuille de révision
Etudier : p. 116-117 (vocabulaire)
Etudier les leçons 5, 6, 7, 8 (Unité 3)
Contrôle : unité 3 (Big unit test)