Homework for this course includes Chapters P thru 15 from the Student Activities
Manual. Complete the writing and listening activities.
If you do not purchase the Audio Lab CD, download the 'Partie orale' listening passages
as sound files from the Department's On-Line Virtual Language Lab at this web
site: http://www.frit.ohio-state.edu/eresources/laboratoirevirtuel.html
You must have your OSU username and password (the same one as for e-mail) to access
the virtual lab. Once inside, follow the instructions.
Alternatively, you may visit the library, to complete the 'Partie orale' sections. , ask for
the cassette, from series FREINV, corresponding to the required chapter (see
schedule). If you bring blank cassettes, you may dub the tapes for home use using the
library's high-speed dubbing machine.
After completing the written and listening activities, use the answer key on pages 299-
348 of the Student Activities Manual to check your work. Use a different color ink to
make your corrections more visible for review later. Homework is due as indicated on
the schedule.
All homework assignments will be graded on this 10-point scale..
Discrete point and aural exercises completed and self-corrected with a different color
pen. Open-ended exercises completed and done well. Very few errors for this level.
Work handed in on time.
Discrete point and aural exercises completed and mostly self-corrected. Open-ended
exercises completed, fairly well done, with some errors that could be avoided at this
Discrete point and aural exercises incomplete, not adequately self-corrected. Open-
ended exercises incomplete, not well done, with significant errors that could be
avoided at this level.
Too many incomplete exercises, discrete point exercises not self-corrected. Open-
ended exercises very poorly done, too many errors for this level.
Each student will give a 5 minute class presentation about a website in French (Websites
with an English translation are not permitted.) related the cultural themes from Chapters
1 thru 6. You should present a brief summary of the website in English. Then, in
French, express your opinion about the site, e.g. did you like it? why/why not?, etc. For
the French portion of your presentation, use only grammar and vocabulary studied in
INVITATION; do not copy or read sentences from the website. You should present at
least four or five sentences, in French, that your classmates will be able to
understand. End your presentation with a question to your classmates that will open a
discussion on your topic. You will be informed of the different dates available for class
presentations. You are required to turn in a written copy of your presentation. Your