Used to
Used to insiste sur la répétition habituelle d'une action dans le passé, mais il
reste sous-entendu que cette action n'appartient qu'au passé :
She used to be very shy. ( Elle était très timide = elle ne l'est plus. )
He used to play tennis very well but he no longer does. ( Il jouait très bien au
tennis, ce n'est plus le cas. )
Test : Répondre aux questions selon ce modèle.
Ex 1 : Do they often quarrel ?
=> They used to quarrel, but they no longer do.
Ex 2 : Is he a teacher ?
=> He used to be a teacher but he no longer is.
Rappel : do, does ( => auxiliaires des verbes 'ordinaires' au présent simple// am, is, are (
conjugaison de 'be' au présent).
1. Do they read a newspaper every day ? ______________________________ .
2. Is he a good manager ? ______________________________ .
3. Do you travel a lot ? ______________________________ .
4. Are they your pupils ? ______________________________ .
5. Does she believe in God ? ______________________________ .
6. Does he enjoy eating ? ______________________________ .
7. Is there a school in your village ? (finir la réponse par 'one' pour remplacer 'school')
______________________________ .
8. Is he your friend ? ______________________________ .
9. Are you fond of jazz ? ______________________________ .
10. Doesn't he practise the guitar ? ______________________________ .
11. Does he often get angry ? ______________________________ .
12. Do you still work at the Carlton ? ______________________________ .
1) They used to read a newspaper every day, but they no longer do
2) He used to be a good manager, but he no longer is
3) I used to travel a lot, but I no longer do
4) They used to be my pupils, but they no longer are
5) She used to believe in God, but she no longer does
6) He used to enjoy eating, but he no longer does
7) There used to be a school in my village, but there no longer is one
8) He used to be my friend but he no longer is
9) I used to be fond of jazz, but I no longer am
10) He used to practise the guitar, but he no longer does
11) He used to get angry, but he no longer does
12) I used to work at the Carlton, but I no longer do
Merci Docteur / utiliser used to
: 'You used to smoke too much in the past !
Used to + Verbe :
Etudions l'exemple : We used to have a holiday in February.
Se traduit par l'imparfait d'habitude en français.
=> Une habitude passée maintenant abandonnée.
Traduction : => 'Nous prenions des vacances en février' ( autrefois, ce n'est
plus le cas maintenant).
Forme affirmative : voir l'exemple étudié.
Forme interrogative : 'Did you use to ski ?'
Forme négative : ' We didn't use to stay for a long time.'
Aide pour le vocabulaire et les constructions:
lungs : les poumons / lung trouble = trouble pulmonaire - to suffer + from - '
you should' = tu / vous / devrais /devriez - follow = suivre - advice = conseils (
nom ) - to advise = conseiller ( preterit => 'advised' ) - became = preterit de
'become' (=> devenir au preterit ) - fat = gros, gras, grosse, grasse - slept =
preterit de 'sleep' ( dormir au preterit ) - faire faire <= to make + verbe ( ex : le
faire boire => to make him drink ) - weight = poids - lost = ici, participe passé
de 'lose' ( => perdre au preterit ) - part-time = temps partiel / un travail à
temps partiel <= a part-time job - all = tout, tous, toute, toutes - wear = porter
(des habits, des bijoux...).
Le test : toutes les phrases ne contiennent pas la 'formule' used to...
Il y a 3 cas dans 10 phrases : Mr Wilson ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) - Eric Smith ( 5, 6, 7, 8 ) -
Mrs Robson ( 9, 10 ).
La phrase 11 concerne : ' my father'.
La phrase 12 concerne : ' we'.
Les phrases 11 et 12 sont indépendantes du reste.
Wilson | to | smoke | lot. | a | used | Mr |
he | trouble. | suffered | 1999, | from | December | In | lung |
his | doctor | stop | tell | 'You | used | should | to | smoking' | him. |
Wilson | advice. | follow | Mr | the | didn't |
lot. | Smith | a | to | used | Eric | eat |
fat | in | He | slept | class. | became | and |
follow | diet. | doctor | a | him | strict | made | The |
weight, | has | has | Eric | success | with | lost | girls! | he |
used | too | Robson | work | Mrs | to | much. |
advised | part-time | The | to | take | job. | her | doctor | a |
for | birthday. | father | his | invite | friends | to | used | all | My | his |
to | used | uniform. | We | a | wear |
Mr Wilson used to smoke a lot. In December 1999, he suffered from lung trouble. 'You should stop
smoking' his doctor used to tell him. Mr Wilson didn't follow the advice. Eric Smith used to eat a lot.
He became fat and slept in class. The doctor made him follow a strict diet. Eric has lost weight, he has
success with girls! Mrs Robson used to work too much. The doctor advised her to take a part-time
job. My father used to invite all his friends for his birthday. We used to wear a uniform.
- Ne pas oublier la structure : USED TO (habitude passée, abandonnée)
- Pour exprimer que l'on veut "faire faire" quelque chose à quelqu'un, se servir de MAKE + (x) + (V)
:I made him walk = je l'ai fait marcher.
- SHOULD = pour conseiller. Mot suivi de la base verbale: You should come (= tu devrais venir)
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