Réseau Européen de Formation Judiciaire
European Judicial Training Network
Réseau Européen de Formation Judiciaire / European Judicial Training Network
(Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif / Non-profit making international organization)
Rue du Commerce 123, B- 1000 Bruxelles ; Tel: +, E-mail: ejtn@ejtn.eu
Claim for reimbursement of travel expenses
(by private car)
Demande de remboursement des frais de transports
(en voiture privée)
Claim addressed to / Demande adressée à:
Object of the claim / Objet de la demande: Claim for reimbursement of travel expenses
associated with the Human and Fundamental Rights Seminar on “CONFLICTS OF
Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale, via Flaminia 189, Rome, Italy IT-00196 from 2
to 3 March 2017.
NOTE: The EJTN is only able to reimburse private car journeys up to a maximum of
1.200km (return journey). Please attach to this claim a Michelin/Google Internet Map
depicting your travel itinerary (arrival and departure points, as well as total number of
kilometres travelled).
Description de la demande / Description of the claim:
Address of departure:
km x 0,22€ / km = €
Travel by private car: cost of 0,22 EUR per kilometre for a round trip up to a maximum
of 1.200 km calculated on the basis of the shortest route (itinerary mapping in support –
Michelin/Google Internet Maps), using the following formula: Kilometre claim km x
2 (in-out) x 0,22 € / km =
Participants who choose to use their own car remain fully liable for any accidents to their
car or to third parties.
Nom et adresse / Name and address:
Date and signature: