Séance de révision anglais Tansplantation trafficking

Séance de révision anglais
Tansplantation trafficking
- bone graft, skin graft, cornea graft
- ≠ organ transplantation
- ≠ breast implant
- forensic medicine = police scientifique, médecine légale
- supply versus demande = l’offre et la demande
- harvest organ = prélèvement d’organes
- donor organ
- riddled = plein de
- organ watch
Drug trials
- clinical trials
- managing experiments
- treatment naïve patients
- clean patients
- unaware patient = not informed
- outsourcing = délocalisation
- consent / informed consent is the golden rule of all clinical trials « if you don’t tell patient, he can’t say no”
- exeperiement versus treatment
- principal investigator
- human experiment
- wash-out period
→ Concentration camps, Nuremberg code
Concierge doctor
- ethical question
- retainer fee = honoraires
- pitching in = s’attaquer à, faire du battage publicitaire (??)
- 24/7 acces
- house call
- same day appointment
- lab work, specialty refferals
- puncture wounds = plaie perforante
- blurred vision = troubles de la vue
- slurred speach = dysarthrie
- confidentiality
- bedside manner = relation shipo between doctor and patient
Clincal ≠ hospital
If you spend a night in a bed → hospital (inpatients)
If your only going for teatment (hopital de jour) → clinical ( outpatients)
Nothing to do with public or private.
P48. Hospital
- general hospital : centre hospitalier
- ward : sercive, unité
- casualty (part of hospital) : urgences
- acutely ill : gravement malade
- GP : general practitioner : médecin généraliste
- On duty : de service
- Assessment : estimation, évaluation
- Admited to hospital
- Discharged back to the GP’s care
p.71 patient-led NHS
- to improve patients’ emotional experience
- to improve acces for people with learning difficulties
- kept waiting for an appointment
- negative experience/ feelings → confusion, disappointment, annoyance (contrariété), frustration
- feel isolated, overwhelmed (bouleversé), treated like a number instead of an individual
- feeling scared, afraid, anxious, abandonned and neglected
- causes : poor communitation, long waiting times, patronising (condescendant) staff attitudes, felling lost in the systeme
- treating people as we would want to be treated
- with dignity and respect
- wished to feel safe reassured, confident, cared for, informed, relaxed and “in good hands” , to be “special”
p19 An overwhelming weakness
- markedly = nettement
- helpless = désespéré, impuissant
- flesh = chair
- step = un pas
- join = articulation
- barely = a peine
- strenght = force
- worisome = inquiétant
- weakness = faiblesse
- elbow(=funny bone) = coude
- swelling = gonflé
- toe = orteil
- struggled to his feet = se lever avec difficulté
- squishy = spongieux
- limbs = les membres
- thights = les cuisses
- navel (=bellybutton) = nombril
- dull pain = douleur diffuse / sharpe pain = douleur aigue
- rib cage = cage thoracique
- bloodstream = circulation sanguine
- widespread infection : infection généralisée
- needle = aiguille
+ p.40 + Vocabulary P2 (side effects, body part, opérate ON something, tooth extracted / kidney remouve, abces draining…)
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Séance de révision anglais Tansplantation trafficking

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