Séance de révision anglais Tansplantation trafficking

Séance de révision anglais
Tansplantation trafficking
- bone graft, skin graft, cornea graft
- ≠ organ transplantation
- ≠ breast implant
- forensic medicine = police scientifique, médecine légale
- supply versus demande = l’offre et la demande
- harvest organ = prélèvement d’organes
- donor organ
- riddled = plein de
- organ watch
Drug trials
- clinical trials
- managing experiments
- treatment naïve patients
- clean patients
- unaware patient = not informed
- outsourcing = délocalisation
- consent / informed consent is the golden rule of all clinical trials « if you don’t tell patient, he can’t say no”
- exeperiement versus treatment
- principal investigator
- human experiment
- wash-out period
→ Concentration camps, Nuremberg code
Concierge doctor
- ethical question
- retainer fee = honoraires
- pitching in = s’attaquer à, faire du battage publicitaire (??)
- 24/7 acces
- house call
- same day appointment
- lab work, specialty refferals
- puncture wounds = plaie perforante
- blurred vision = troubles de la vue
- slurred speach = dysarthrie
- confidentiality
- bedside manner = relation shipo between doctor and patient
Clincal ≠ hospital
If you spend a night in a bed → hospital (inpatients)
If your only going for teatment (hopital de jour) → clinical ( outpatients)
Nothing to do with public or private.
P48. Hospital
- general hospital : centre hospitalier
- ward : sercive, unité
- casualty (part of hospital) : urgences
- acutely ill : gravement malade
- GP : general practitioner : médecin généraliste
- On duty : de service
- Assessment : estimation, évaluation
- Admited to hospital
- Discharged back to the GP’s care
p.71 patient-led NHS
- to improve patients’ emotional experience
- to improve acces for people with learning difficulties
- kept waiting for an appointment
- negative experience/ feelings → confusion, disappointment, annoyance (contrariété), frustration
- feel isolated, overwhelmed (bouleversé), treated like a number instead of an individual
- feeling scared, afraid, anxious, abandonned and neglected
- causes : poor communitation, long waiting times, patronising (condescendant) staff attitudes, felling lost in the systeme
treating people as we would want to be treated
with dignity and respect
wished to feel safe reassured, confident, cared for, informed, relaxed and “in good hands” , to be “special”
p19 An overwhelming weakness
- markedly = nettement
- helpless = désespéré, impuissant
- flesh = chair
- step = un pas
- join = articulation
- barely = a peine
- strenght = force
- worisome = inquiétant
- weakness = faiblesse
- elbow(=funny bone) = coude
- swelling = gonflé
- toe = orteil
- struggled to his feet = se lever avec difficulté
- squishy = spongieux
- limbs = les membres
- thights = les cuisses
- navel (=bellybutton) = nombril
- dull pain = douleur diffuse / sharpe pain = douleur aigue
- rib cage = cage thoracique
- bloodstream = circulation sanguine
- widespread infection : infection généralisée
- needle = aiguille
+ p.40 + Vocabulary P2 (side effects, body part, opérate ON something, tooth extracted / kidney remouve, abces draining…)