Oral and Poster Presentations at Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
In the first instance of its use, please give the full name of the programme, i.e. ‘Rossy Cancer Network’.
Thereafter, you can use the abbreviation RCN, if you choose. Please include the RCN logo on all title
slides, posters and hand-outs.
Project Websites
Project websites must include an acknowledgement of RCN funding and display the full RCN logo on at
least one page. To acknowledge RCN support, use the following wording:
‘The [name of your programme] is funded by the [Rossy Cancer Network]/[Rossy Cancer Network’s
Cancer Quality & Innovation program].’
‘[Nom de votre projet] est financé par le généreux soutien [Réseau de cancérologie Rossy] / [Programme
de Cancérologie, qualité et innovation du Réseau de cancérologie Rossy].
Policy Briefs and Media Releases
The following information should be included in the Acknowledgements sections of policy briefs, and in
the Notes to Editors section of all media releases which publicise RCN-funded work:
This work was [funded]/[funded in part] with generous support from the Rossy Cancer Network (RCN).
The Rossy Cancer Network (RCN) is a partnership of the McGill University Faculty of Medicine, St.
Mary’s Hospital Center, the Jewish General Hospital and the McGill University Health Centre. The RCN
is dedicated to providing world-class patient care, research and teaching. Its mission is to improve
quality, effectiveness and efficiency across the continuum of cancer care. See mcgill.ca/rcr-rcn for more
‘[Nom de votre projet] est financé avec le généreux soutien de la part du [Réseau de cancérologie
Rossy] / [Programme de Cancérologie, qualité et innovation du Réseau de cancérologie Rossy].Le
Réseau de cancérologie Rossy (RCR) est un partenariat entre la faculté de médecine de l’Université
McGill, le Centre hospitalier de St. Mary, l’Hôpital général juif et le Centre universitaire de santé McGill.
Le RCR offre des soins aux patients, de la recherche et de l’enseignement de premier ordre. Il améliore
la qualité, l’efficacité et l’efficience dans le continuum des soins aux patients. Visitez mcgill.ca/rcr-
rcn pour plus de détails.