I. Compréhension orale
Ecoutez l’enregistrement et remplissez les blancs.
An interview with ________________ Keller, _______________.
My parents say I am a ___________________ but I think my protest is ________________.
For example, I am a member of ________________, a group which keeps ______________
against institutions that ___________________ our environment. I am against companies and
states which ________________________ this planet. We __________________ this planet.
Next week I will take part in a _____________________ to protest against _____________
My sister Emily is very much like me. She organises __________________ for the promotion
of organic _____________________ . Her group protests against the use of ______________
and chemical ________________ imposed upon us by the ________________ industry.
II. Compréhension écrite
1. Lisez le texte et repérez les mots et expressions équivalents à :
- un saut (…) ait jamais été tenté :__________________________________________
- tandis qu’on l’emmenait en voiture: _______________________________________
- réclamant un Tibet libre : _______________________________________________
- c’était la troisième fois qu’il avait essayé : __________________________________
- pour éloigner les pigeons loin du: _________________________________________
- provoquèrent un arrêt total de la circulation : ________________________________
2. Trouvez les informations suivantes :
- Name of stuntman: ______________________________________________________
- His age : _____________________________________________________________
- Place where action was: _________________________________________________
- Height of column: ______________________________________________________
- Event (or stunt): _______________________________________________________
- Reason for protest: _____________________________________________________
- Name of group: _______________________________________________________
- What happened to the stuntman: ___________________________________________
3. Répondez en français aux questions suivantes:
a. Quel est l’événement présenté? Indiquez le lieu où il se déroule.
b. Quelles sont les raisons qui ont déclenché cette action? Au nom de quel groupe les
protagonistes agissent-ils ?
c. Quel est le dénouement? Racontez ?
4. Traduisez le premier paragraphe
III- Grammaire
1. Ajoutez les pronoms relatifs qui conviennent.
who whose whom - which
- It was Derek Thomson ____________________ was the leader of the group.
- He was convinced that the cause for ___________________ he was fighting
was right.
- The two ladies with ________________________ he had to work were ill.
- He belonged to a bouddhist group ___________________ practised meditation
and martial arts.
- He did not know to _____________________ the letter was sent.
2. Quelle préposition est conforme au sens de traduction en français ?.
up down away in back on off - out
a. Il démarra brusquement.
- He drove __________________ .
b. Elle s’éloigna de la foule.
- She moved ________________ from the crowd.
c. Ils continuèrent à parler.
- They kept ____________ talking.
d. Il a dit qu’il reviendrait bientôt.
- He said he would come _________________ soon.
e. Il décida d’appeler la police.
- He decided to ring ___________________ the police.
. 3. Soulignez les formes passives dans les phrases suivantes.
a. He had driven to London. He climbed Nelson’s column. He was arrested. He
had planned his jump. He was taken to the police station.
b. A lady has just been hit by a car. She has lost her credit card. Her card has
been found on the pavement. The traffic was brought to a stop.
c. He bought his gun in London. The police car was hidden under the bridge.
Ecrivez l’infinitif du verbe correspondant au participe passé de ces formes passives.
IV- Expression écrite
Choisissez un sujet de protestation et écrivez 6 à 8 lignes en anglais. Puisez dans le lexique ci-
SUJETS : cruelty to animals children exploitation testing nuclear bombs
to complain of...: se plaindre de...
to fight against... : lutter contre...
to suffer from... : souffrir de...
to die of….: mourir de …
to beat : battre (corporellement)
a fine: : une amende
cheap labour: main-d’œuvre bon marché
child labour : le travail des enfants
endless hours of work: heures de travail interminables
chemical products: produits chimiques
disease: maladie
war : guerre
developing countries : pays en voie de développement
laboratory : laboratoire
inhuman : inhumain
to make experiments : faire des expériences
The scene takes place on the open sea (en pleine mer).
In the picture, I can see a blue boat which displays (arborer = to sport)
two rainbows and a whale. It is called Esperanza and it is the
Greenpeace boat. There is a huge yellow banner (bannière) . It says
“Stop Plutonium” which is a toxic nuclear waste.
Greenpeace is an activist group which fight for the protection of our
planet. It is also known for its campaigns against whaling (pêche à la
baleine), global warming, ancient forest destruction. It has offices in
42 countries worldwide.
I. Compréhension orale CD 1 : 17
Ecoutez l’enregistrement et remplissez les blancs.
Organic food : nourriture biologique
Additive : additif
Junkfood : snack, vite prêts, cochonnerie
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