M / Mme / Mlle NOM PRENOM
M / Mme / Mlle NOM PRENOM
Objet :
Your company is one of the leaders on the market of ____ [name of a product]
in France. This is why after ending a six months temporary employment in the
Marketing Department of ____ [name of the company] and I would be very
interested in completing my experience with ____ [name of the company], as a
Marketing Executive. My different professional experiences have allowed me to
understand the role and importance of the marketing function. My latest position
included :- Designing and developing an action plan and its financial impact
- Managing the customer database and implementing a direct marketing
- Analysing statistic data to evaluate the impact of the campaign.This experience
allowed me to directly work at the implementation of concrete actions and
brought me strong knowledge which will allow me to quickly become
operational within your company. My motivation and adaptability let me hope
that we will be able to quickly and profitably work together.I have enclosed my
resume for your review. If you are interested, please call me at the here above
number, so that we can examine together how my skills may best serve your
company.Yours Sincerely
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