Christine Lévy-Piedbois, Isabelle
Durand-Zaleski, novembre 2003
Table 1
Description of the two regimens compared in the R98 trial
Reference arm : Mayo Clinic : 6 cycles, 5 outpatient hospital days per cycle
J1 = J29 = J 57 + J 92 = J 127 = J 162
Drug administration Dosage (mg / m²) Days
Fluorouracile IV bolus 425 J1 to j5
Acide folinique IV bolus 20 J1 to j5
LV5FU2 + Camptotecin arm : 12 cycles, 2 outpatient hospital days per cycle
J1 = 15
Drug administration Dosage (mg / m²) Days
Irinotecan IV bolus 180 J1
Fluorouracil IV bolus 400 J1 & J2
Fluorouracil Continuous infusion 600 J1
Acide folinique IV bolus 200 J1 & J2