Innovations dans la recherche et la pratique clinique : L’ADN des soins du cancer
Innovations in Clinical and Research Practice : The DNA of Cancer Care
Lac-à-l’épaule du Centre du cancer Segal /
Segal Cancer Centre Retreat
Les 20 et 21 novembre 2009 / November 20-21, 2009
Château Vaudreuil, 21700, route Transcanadienne
Vaudreuil-Dorion, 450.455.0955
Programme préliminaire / Preliminary Program
Vendredi le 20 novembre 2009 / Friday, November 20th, 2009
8h30 10h00
Inscription et déjeuner / Registration and Buffet breakfast
Mary Grossman, PhD
Présidente /Chairperson
Hartley Stern, MD
Mot de bienvenue / Welcoming Remarks
Gerald Batist, MD
Mot de bienvenue et introduction de Dr McInnes / Introductory
& Introduction of Dr McInnes
Discours d'ouverture Keynote address
10h20 11h05
Dr Roderick McInnes, MD, PhD, Directeur de la recherche Institut Lady
Davis, Hôpital général juif / Director of Research, Lady Davis Institute, Jewish
General Hospital
A Vision Unleashed: Charting the Future Imperatives of Research at the JGH
Nouveaux investigateurs / New investigators
11h05 11h25
Laurent Azoulay, PhD
Epidemiological Studies in Oncology
11h25 11h45
Koren Mann, PhD
The Role of Tungsten Exposure in the Fallon, Nevada Pediatric Leukemia
11h45 12h05
Sylvie Aubin, PhD
Psychosocial Research
12h05 - 13h45
Lunch présentation par affiches / Lunch & Poster Presentations
13h45 14h25
John Hiscott, PhD
Chemical Targeting of the Innate Antiviral Response by Histone Deacetylase
Inhibitors Renders Refractory Cancers Sensitive to Viral Oncolysis
La prochaine génération de chercheurs / The next generation of researchers
14h25 14h40
Bessy Bitzas, MSc., PhD candidate
Psychosocial Research
14h40 14h55
Adriana Aguilar, PhD, postdoctoral fellow
Translational Research
14h55 15h10
Cristiano Ferrario, MD, clinical fellow
Sorafenib in breast cancer: a laboratory-based approach for a rational clinical
15h25 16h00
Pause-santé et présentation d’affiches / Health Break & Poster
16h00 16h40
Raquel Aloyz, PhD
New Therapies in CLL, Preclinical Studies
16h40 17h20
Sarit Assouline, MD
Clinical Drug Development in Oncology and Hematology
Souper et divertissement / Dinner & Entertainment
Samedi le 21 novembre 2009 / Saturday, November 21st, 2009
7h30 9h00
Inscription et déjeuner / Registration and Buffet breakfast
9h00 - 9h40
Michael Pollak, MD
Insulin and Cancer
9h40 10h20
Thérèse Gagnon-Kugler, PhD
Quebec Consortium for Clinical Research
10h20 11h00
Tamim Niazi, MD
Radiation Oncology Program
11h00 11h15
Pause-santé et présentation d’affiches / Health Break & Poster
11h15 11h55
Suzie Lau MD; Jacques Corcos MD
Leading Edge Technology : Da Vinci Robot
11h55 12h35
Robin Cohen, PhD
Palliative Care Research
Mot de clôture / Closing Remarks
Lynne McVey
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