After Richard’s best and only friend, a dwarf hamster named Etienne, is
diagnosed with terminal cancer, he decides to take him on a bicycle road trip up the
California coast to show him the world before he must put him to sleep.
Nachdem Richard herausfindet, dass sein einziger Freund, ein Zwerghamster mit
Name Etienne, totkrank ist, entschliesst er sich mit ihm eine Fahrradtour zu machen, um
ihm die Welt zu zeigen.
Français (2 Versions):
Quand Richard découvre que son seul et meilleur ami, un hamster nain, est en
phase terminale du cancer, il decide de lui montrer le monde avant sa mort et le prend sur
son vélo pour une traversée de la Californie.
Quand Richard apprend que son seul et meilleur ami Etienne, un hamster nain, est
atteint d'un cancer fatal, il décide de l'emmener en voyage sur son vélo et de lui montrer
le monde avant sa mort.
Quando Richard scopre che il suo unico e migliore amico Etienne, un criceto
nano, è malato di cancro in fase terminale, si decide di portarlo con sè sulla sua bicicletta
lungo le coste californiane, per mostrargli il mondo, prima di doverlo lasciare per sempre.
Cuando Richard descubre que su único y mejor amigo Etienne, un hámster enano,
está en fase terminal del cáncer, decide mostrarle el mundo antes de su muerte y lo toma
en su bicicleta para una travesía en la costa de California.
A portly college dropout with an ironic hipster mustache takes his dying hamster
on a road trip up the California coastline. Richard cleans hotel bathrooms for a living, and
his best friend is a tiny gray hamster named Etienne. When Etienne is diagnosed with
cancer, the veterinarian recommends that the animal be put to sleep before it starts to
suffer. Instead, Richard packs up his bike, grabs the hamster ball, and hits the road,
determined to show his diminutive pal the world before it dies. Along their way, Richard
and Etienne befriend a bereft dog lover, two traveling musicians, and a solitary soul
named Elodie who's still reeling following a recent break-up with her long-term
boyfriend. Sometimes it's the smallest creatures that have the greatest impact on our lives,
and in time, Richard and Elodie establish a bond that may not have been possible without
a little help from Etienne.
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