Theorem 2.3. Let Y⊂P3be a smooth cubic surface over F,γ={s0, s1, s2, s3}
the basis of global sections of O(−KY)corresponding to the standard homogeneous
coordinates on P3. Assume that Ycan be obtained by blowing up of 6F-rational
points in P2. Then for any nonempty Zariski open subset U⊂Yone has
N(U, −KY, γ, B)≥cB(log B)3
for all B > 0and for some positive constant c.
Proof. Assume that Yis obtained by blowing up of p1, . . . , p6∈P2(F). By 2.2,
we can assume without loss of generality that p1= (1 : 0 : 0), p2= (0 : 1 : 0) and
p3= (0 : 0 : 1). Denote by Y0the Del Pezzo surface obtained by blowing up p1, p2, p3.
Let f:Y→Y0be the contraction of exceptional curves C4, C5, C6⊂Ylying over
p4, p5, p6.
Let Vbe the 10-dimensional space over Fof all homogeneous polynomials of
degree 3 in variables z0, z1, z2. We identify Γ(Y, O(−KY)) with the subspace in
Vconsisting of all polynomials vanishing in p1, . . . , p6. Analogously, we identify
Γ(Y0,O(−KY0)) with the subspace in Vconsisting of all polynomials vanishing in
p1, p2, p3. Let γ0={s0, . . . , s6} ⊂ Vthe extension of the basis γto a basis of the
subspace Γ(Y0,O(−KY0)) ⊂V.
The surface Y0is an smooth equivariant compactification of the split 2-dimensional
algebraic torus over F
(Gm)2=P2\ {l12, l13, l23}
where lij denotes the projective line in P2through piand pj. Since Y0is a smooth
toric variety, the main theorem in [3] shows that the following asymptotic formula
N((Gm)2,−KY0, γ0
0, B) = c0B(log B)3(1 + o(1)), B → ∞,(1)
where c0is some positive constant and
0={z0z1z2, z2
1z2, z1z2
2, z2
2z0, z2z2
0, z2
0z1, z0z2
Let Ube any nonempty Zariski open subset in Y. We denote by U0a nonempty
open subset in Usuch that the restriction of fon U0is an isomorphism and f(U0) is
contained in (Gm)2⊂Y0. Since
v∈V al(F)
i=0,... ,3|si(x)|v≤Y
v∈V al(F)
i=0,... ,6|si(x)|v
holds for every F-rational point x∈U0, we obtain
N(U0,−KY, γ, B)≥N(U0,−KY0, γ0, B)(2)
for any B > 0. By 2.2, there exists a positive constant c3such that
N(U0,−KY0, γ0, B)≥c3N(U0,−KY0, γ0
0, B).(3)