Date of birth : March 1963
Status :
Professor (Professeur des Universités)
Chemin de la Quille-Puyricard
13089 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2
Phone :+33 (0)
Fax :+33 (0)4.42.28. 08.00
E.mail :
In Marketing :
- 2007 : A
(Equivalent to TENURE)
National rank and first in marketing)
- 2006 : HDR (H
University of Grenoble II – Université Pierre Mendès, France
- 1999 : DOCTORATE IN MANAGEMENT, University of Montpellier II, France (PhD)
Thesis Subject: The effects of emotions on attitude toward the ad and the memorization of ads.
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Specialisation: Marketing
University of Wisconsin - USA
- 1983 / 85: KEDGE Business School- Marseille - France.
In Psychologie :
- 1999 : 3
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
- 1997 / 1998 : MASTER 1 OF PSYCHOLOGY
University of Nice- Sophia Antipolis, France
University of Paris VIII, France
Foreign languages (mentioned with an X)
Courses given currently at Aix Marseille GSM - IAE
Advertising Management (Msc Marketing & Brand Management, Msc Communication)
Advertising Creativity (Msc Marketing & Brand Management, Msc Communication)
Marketing and Communication Research (Msc Research)
International teaching & research missions
2009: Ecole Supérieure des Affaires, Beyrouth, Lebanon. Teaching at MBA level, Advanced Statistics.
2009: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. Teaching at MBA level, Marketing for Innovation.
2012 - 16: International University of Monaco, Monaco. Teaching at MBA level, Luxury Consumer
Other academic activities outside of Aix Marseille Graduate School of Management - IAE
NEOMA: teaching at Msc Level: Advertising Strategy, Luxury Brand Management
ESCE: Teaching at Msc Level : Creativity and Advertising Management
ENSAM: Teaching at Mcs Level : Marketing Management for engineers
Corporate related academic missions
Continuing education for Pegase Association
Member of Scientific Comities
Association Française du Marketing (permanent member of the board of directors)
American Marketing Association
Conseil National des Universités (CNU)
IAE France (permanent member of the board of directors)
Member of the editorial board of academic journals
Recherches et Application Marketing (CNRS Rank 2)
Décision Marketing (CNRS Rank 3)
Management et Avenir (CNRS Rank 4)
Revue Française du Marketing
PHD Director of 10 doctoral students, 5 of them have defended their thesis
Jury member of 13 PhD / Doctorates
Jury member of 3 HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)
CURSUS (prior to joining Aix Marseille GSM - IAE)
1988 – 1992: HAVAS COMMUNICATION, Account Executive and Account Director, France.
1992 - 2007: Full Professor of Marketing, EDHEC Business School, Nice. Msc in Marketing Management
Program Director, President of the Pedagogic Committee.
Since 2008: Full Professor Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - IAE, Aix Marseille University.
Articles in refereed journals
Salgado S. and De Barnier V. (2016), (HCERES rank A), Favoriser et récompenser la créativité du
consommateur dans le processus de développement du nouveau produit : comment motiver ces
consommateurs qui participent à des concours de créativité? Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 31,
2, 1-25.
A. Kessous, De Barnier V. and Valette-Florence P. (2015), (HCERES Rank B), "A la recherche du temps
perdu" : la transmission d’objets de luxe de père en fils, entre cadeau et fardeau, Décisions Marketing, 80
Octobre-Décembre, 17-34.
Pecot F. and De Barnier V. (2015), (HCERES Rank C), Stratégies de marques de ville basées sur
le patrimoine de marque : le rôle des symboles, Management et Avenir, 78, June, 143-159.
Lagier J., De Barnier V. and Ayadi K. (2015), (HCERES Rank C), J’aime mon musée : La
perception esthétique des enfants et leur rapport à l’art, Management et Avenir, 78, June, 41-57.
Lemaitre N. and De Barnier V. (2014), (HCERES Rank B), Quand le consommateur devient
commerçant : motivations et perspectives, Décisions Marketing, 78, April-June, 11-28.
Bourcier-Béquaert B. and De Barnier V. (2014), (HCERES Rank B), Les effets de l’âge du mannequin sur
les consommateurs séniors et sur la marque présente dans la publicité : le le de la similarité ?
Marketing, 76, October-December, 77-92.
Warlop L., Schrum L.J., Merunka D. and De Barnier V. (2014), (HCERES rank A), Utterly arch and
Advertising: Introducing the JBR Special Issue from the 2013 La Londe Conference, Journal of Business
Research, 67 (7), 1519–1521 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.01.018).
Valette-Florence R. and De Barnier V. (2013), (HCERES rank A),Toward a micro conception of brand
personality: an application for print media brands in a French context, Journal of Business Research, vol.
66, N°7, p. 897-903. (DOI : 10.1016/j.busres.2011.12.008).
De Barnier Virginie and Sugiarto Catur, (2013), “Sexually Appealing Ads Effectiveness on Indonesian
Customers”, European Journal of Business and Management, vol. 5, N° 9, 125-135.
De Barnier V. and Lagier J. (2012), (HCERES Rank B), La résistance à l’art contemporain : Des attitudes
et représentations des publics aux implications marketing, Décisions Marketing, 68, octobre-décembre,
47- 57.
De Barnier V., Falcy S. and Valette-Florence P. (2012), (HCERES Rank C), Do consumers perceive
three levels of luxury? A comparison of accessible, intermediate and inaccessible luxury brands,
Journal of Brand Management, 19, 7, 623-636. (DOI : 10.1057/bm.2012.11)
De Barnier V. and Lagier J. (2012), (HCERES Rank B), L’art et l’artisanat d’art en quête de
réassurance : enjeux des labels et des ateliers ?, Décisions Marketing, 65, janvier-mars, 9-19. (DOI :
Valette-Florence R. and De Barnier V. (2011), (HCERES Rank C), Evaluation de la marque presse par
son lecteur : Place et apport de la personnalité de marque, Gestion 2000, Vol. 28, n°5, p.63-82. (DOI :
Bourcier-Béquaert B. and De Barnier V. (2010), (HCERES rank A), Pour un cadre élargi du concept
de nération en marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25, 3, 115-135.
Valette-Florence R., Becheur I., De Barnier V. and Valette-Florence P. (2010), (HCERES Rank),
Consumers' Attachment and Commitment to Brands and Media Titles: The role of Emotions, Advances in
Consumer Research (ACR) North America, 7-10 October, Jacksonville, Florida.
De Barnier V., Augey D. and Sonnac N. (2010), (HCERES Rank C), Le management de l'Attention : le
cas de la presse en ligne, Gestion 2000, 2/10, mars–avril, 115-126.
De Barnier V., Janiszewski C., Merunka D. and Van Osselaer S. (2009), (HCERES rank A),
Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior: Introduction to the Special Issue of the 2009 La
Londe Conference, Journal of Business Research, 64, 1, 1-2.
Valette-Florence R. and De Barnier V. (2009), (HCERES Rank C), Les lecteurs sont-ils capables
d’anthropomorphiser leur magazine ? Une réponse par la méthode de triangulation, Management et
Avenir, 27, 7, 54-72. (DOI : 10.7193/dm.065.09.20).
De Barnier V. (2006), (HCERES rank A), Le modèle ELM : bilan et perspectives, Recherche et
Applications en Marketing, 21, 2, 61-82.
De Barnier V. and Valette-Florence P. (2006), (AERES/HCERES Rank), Provocative Sexually Appealing
Advertisements: the Influence of Embarrassment on Attitude towards the Ad, Advances in Consumer
Research (ACR), CD ROM.
De Barnier V., Maille V., Gallopel K. and Valette-Florence P. (2005), (AERES/HCERES Rank), A Cross-
cultural Study of the Persuasive Effects of Sexual and Fear Appealing Messages: A Comparison Between
France, Denmark, Thailand and Mexico, Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), Vol. 6., 140-150.
Ambroise L., Ferrandi J.M., Merunka D., Valette-Florence P. and De Barnier V. (2005), (AERES/HCERES
Rank), How well does Brand Personality Predict Brand Choice? A Measurement Scale and Analysis using
Binary Regression Models, Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), Vol. 6. 30-38.
Ferrandi J.M., Merunka D., Valette-Florence P. and De Barnier V., (2002), (AERES/HCERES Rank),
Brand Personality : How Well does a Human Personality Scale Apply to Brands? Advances in Consumer
Research (ACR), 53-60.
De Barnier V. (2002), (HCERES rank A), Le rôle des émotions sur l’attitude envers la marque (Ab) : Pour
une médiation totale de l’attitude envers le message (Aad), Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 17, 3,
81- 100.
Marketing et Création Publicitaire, V. De Barnier and H. Joannis, Editions DUNOD, 2016, Paris, 432
pages. (EAN13 : 9782100746033)
De la Stratégie Marketing à la Création Publicitaire, V. De Barnier and H. Joannis, Editions DUNOD, 2010,
Paris, 472 pages. (ISBN : 2100530755)
Emouvoir, Séduire, Convaincre, l’influence des émotions dans la publicité, V. De Barnier, Editions
Universitaires Européennes, Saarbrücken, 2012, 684 pages. (ISBN : 9783841797698)
Chapters in books
Droit et Economie : Un essai d’histoire analytique, Serge Schweitzer and Loïc Floury, Postface, Presses
Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille – PUAM – 2015, In Press.
L’éthique de l’entrepreneur, Jean-Yves Naudet, La fonction de l’entrepreneur, pp. 239-250, Presses
Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, Collection du centre d’Ethique Economique, 2015, 338 p. (ISBN :
The Handbook of Security, Martin Gill, Chapter 16 : Counterfeiting: The challenges for governments,
companies and consumers, pp. 340-358, Edition Palgrave Handbook, 2014, 1049 p. (ISBN :
Handbook of Luxury Marketing, Klaus-Peter Wiedmann and Nadine Hennigs, Chapter : Culture and luxury:
an analysis of luxury perceptions across frontiers, pp. 37-56, Editions Springer Science and Business
Media, 2013, 416 p. (ISBN : 3834943991)
Le consommateur âgé, opportunités pour la société et pour l’individu, Denis Guiot and Bertrand Urien,
Chapter : Le sens donné par les personnes âgées à leurs consommations, pp. 107-127, Editions De
Boeck, 2012. (ISBN : 2804166929)
Relation à la marque et marques de la relation, Chapter : L’influence du statut du consommateur sur sa
perception de la personnalité de la marque, sa confiance et son engagement, pp. 65-88, and chapter : La
perception des clients vs celle des employés dans l’évaluation du capital marque de la banque : l’influence
des traits de personnalité et des émotions ressenties, pp. 89-114, Marché et Organisation, 12,
L’Harmattan, 2010 (ISBN : 2296121799)
L’impossible Ethique des entreprises, A. Boyer. Chapter : L’éthique au service du Mix-Marketing Editions
d’Organisation, 2002, pp. 115-137. (ISBN : 2708127993)
Le Marketing, questions, exercices et cas, P.L. Dubois and A. Jolibert, Chapter : Le Marketing
International, Editions Economica, 1995, pp. 365-395. (ISBN : 9782717828733)
Refereed proceedings conference papers
Cervellon M. C., Mars M.C. and De Barnier V. (2016), Should luxury be described in concrete language? The
influence of online product description on purchase behaviors in contexts of psychological distance, Monaco
Symposium on Luxury, International University of Monaco, Monaco, April.
Kessous A., Valette-Florence P. and De Barnier V. (2016), Luxury watch possession and dispossession from
father to son: A poisoned gift?, Monaco Symposium on Luxury, International University of Monaco, Monaco,
Hudson B., Pecot F., Mir P. and De Barnier V. (2016), Managing temporality to enhance luxury: Brand
heritage at Dom Perignon, 6
International Symposium on Corporate Heritage, Aix-Marseille Graduate School
of Management- IAE, Aix-en-Provence, France, April.
Ayadi K., De Barnier V. (2015), L’art, la publicité et les enfants: l’impact de la familiarité sur l’accroissement
du désir et du goût de consommer des produits, AIMAC Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France, June.
Pecot, F., Balmer J.M.T., De Barnier, V. (2015). Heritage and Corporate Heritage: The French Legacy. 5th
International Symposium on Corporate heritage, Corporate heritage brands and Identities, History and
Nostalgia. Brunel University, London, UK, March.
Pecot, F., Hudson, B., De Barnier, V. (2015). Brand Heritage Perception Scale Comparison and Alternative
Scale Development (EFA). 5th International Symposium on Corporate heritage, Corporate heritage brands
and Identities, History and Nostalgia. Brunel University, London, UK, March.
Pecot F., Hudson B., De Barnier V. (2015), Mesure du patrimoine de marque (brand heritage) :
comparaison de trois échelles et proposition d’une nouvelle échelle, 1ère Journée de Recherche en
Marketing du Grand Est, Dijon, France, March.
Pecot F., De Barnier V. (2015), City Brand Management: the Role of Brand Heritage in City Branding.
Paper presented at the 14th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, France, January.
Lagier J., De Barnier V., Ayadi K. (2014), I love my museum: children’s aesthetic perception of and
relationship with art, Academy of Marketing Science, 17th Biennial World Marketing Congress, ESAN,
Lima, Peru, August.
Pecot F., De Barnier V. (2014), City Brands Management Based On Brand Heritage: The Use Of Symbols.
Paper presented at the 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management. IPAG, Nice,
Pecot F., De Barnier V. (2014), Heritage as a Social Construction: Implications for Brand Heritage,
Corporate Brand Heritage and Corporate Heritage Identity?, Fourth International Symposium on
Corporate heritage, Corporate heritage brands and Identities, History and Nostalgia. HANKEN School of
Economics, Helsinki, Finland, June.
Salgado S., De Barnier V. (2014), What is the Appropriate Reward For Product Creativity During an Idea
Generation Contest: Monetary, Reputational or Brand Feedback?, European Marketing Association
(EMAC), Valencia, Spain, June.
De Barnier V., Salgado S (2014), Consumer Co-Creation as an Experience: What are the Dimensions at
Stake in an Ideation Challenge?, European Marketing Association (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, June.
De Barnier V., Salgado S. (2014), Consumer Co-Creation as an Experience: What are the Dimensions at
Stake in an Ideation Challenge?, European Marketing Association (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, June.
Pecot F., De Barnier V. (2014), Patrimoine de marque : fondements théoriques pour une approche du
concept par le consommateur. Papier présenté aux 13èmes Journées Normandes de Recherche en
Consommation, Rouen, France, November.
Salgado S., De Barnier V., (2013), Does Cognition matter more than Emotion in Creativity in New Product
Development with Communities ?, Society for Marketing Advances (SMA), Westin South Carolina, USA,
De Barnier V., Qader Z. M., (2013), Sex appeal in print advertising: is it disrespectful to Muslim women ?,
European Marketing Association (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey, June.
De Barnier V., Lagier J., (2013), Marketing of Art or Art of Marketing: How to Break Resistance?, European
Marketing Association (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey, June.
Salgado S., De Barnier V., (2013), La co-création de nouveaux produits avec des communautés : étude de
la formation de la créativité et du processus de co-création, Colloque Entrepreneuriat, Innovation &
DEVeloppement (EIDEV), Faculté d’Economie et de Gestion d’Aix-Marseille Université, France, June.
De Barnier V., Roux E., Bacellar C.T., Mo T. T., (2013), Is It Always Fun to Be Very Rich? Negative
Emotions toward Luxury Consumption in Emerging Markets, International Research Seminar on Marketing
Communication and Consumer Behavior, La Londe les Maures, May.
Lemaitre N., De Barnier V., (2013), Quand le consommateur devient commerçant : motivations et
perspectives, 29
Congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing. La Rochelle, France, May.
Salgado S., De Barnier V., (2013), Creativity in New Product Development with Communities: the Role of
Cognition and Emotions, International Research Seminar on Marketing Communication and Consumer
Behavior, La Londe les Maures, May.
De Barnier V., Roux E., Bacellar C.T., MO T. T., (2013), Negative emotions toward luxury consumption: A
cross cultural comparison of rich consumers in emerging markets, American Marketing Association (AMA),
Las Vegas, USA, February.
Ayadi K., De Barnier V. , Lagier J. (2013), J’aime mon musée : la perception esthétique des enfants et leur
rapport à l’art, International Marketing Trends Congress, Congrès ESCP Paris-Venise des Tendances
Marketing, Venise, Italy, January.
Conference Organisations:
De Barnier Virginie, Balmer John and Pecot Fabien, 2016, , 6
International Symposium on Corporate
Heritage, Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management- IAE, Aix-en-Provence, France, April.
Merunka Dwight, De Barnier Virginie, 2009-2011-2013 La Londe Conference, may.
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