Shakespeare’s Globe
Séance 1/7:
1. Quiz on Shakespeare and the Globe :
Micro Tâche / objectif séance:
« Savoir comprendre des textes informatifs, pages de sites pour sélectionner les informations
essentielles » CE
« Savoir utiliser des informations collectées pour participer à un quiz oral ». CO
Quiz par équipe : Une question sera posée au groupe a), la seconde au groupe b), la troisième au
groupe c). Si un groupe ne trouve pas la réponse c’est le premier des 2 autres qui trouve la bonne
réponse qui gagne le point.
Le professeur pose les questions et attribue les points, tient à jour les scores.
Correction du DM distribuée sous forme de tableau.
Birth : 1564
Death :1616
Place of birth : Stratford-upon-Avon/England
Burial place : Stratford-upon-Avon/England
Education : Stratford’s local school and
grammar school, Latin and Greek.
Jobs in London : actor and playwright
Marriage : Anne Hathaway when he was 18
Children : 5
Famous playwright in London at the same time :
Christopher Marlowe
Types of plays Shakespeare wrote and titles :
- Comedies : The Tempest, A Midsummer
Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice…
- Tragedies : Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and
-Histories : Henry VIII, Richard III, …
The theatre today…
The theatre in Shakespeare’s time
Mostly an intellectual entertainment
A popular entertainment
No poor or homeless spectators
All kind of audience : rich and poor
The performance usually takes place in the evening
Performances took place in daylight, in the
There are lighting and special effects
There was no electricity
There are microphones and computers
There were no microphones, no computers
Drinking is not allowed in the theatre
People were allowed to drink
You are not allowed to eat during the performance
People could eat
Men, women, boys and girls can be actors or actresses
Only men and boys were allowed to play
The present Globe is situated near the Thames river in
Shakespeare’s theatre was located near the
Thames too.
It was reconstructed in 1996
It was opened in 1599
Groupe a)
Where was Shakespeare born ?
When was he born ?
Who did he marry ?
Anne Hathaway
How many plays did he write ?
How many sonnets did he
write ? 154
Was he only a writer ?
A playwright and an actor
When was the first Globe
opened ? 1599
When was the first Globe
destroyed ? 1613
When was the Globe
reconstructed ? 1996
When did they play in the
Globe ? Daylight, summer
Who was allowed to be an actor
or an actress ? men or boys
What did not exist in theatres in
Shakespeare’s time ? electricity
When did Shakespeare die ?
Where did he die ?
Where was he buried ?
Where is the Globe situated ?
London, south Bank, near the
Where did the poor spectators
watch the play from ?
The pit
Where were the richer
spectators ?
The galleries
What is the Tempest ? a
history play, a comedy or a
tragedy ? A comedy
What is Romeo and Juliet, a
history play, a comedy or a
tragedy ? A tragedy
What is Hamlet ? a history
play, a comedy or a tragedy ?
A tragedy
What did his father do ?
A glover
What was his mother’s
name ? Mary Arden
How many brother and sisters
did he have ? 7
2. Compréhension orale : Shakespeare’s theatre
Micro tâche/objectif séance :
« Savoir comprendre la visite d’un guide touristique sur un sujet préparé pour rendre compte
d’informations factuelles » CO
Support : audio Spring 3°, maquette du Globe theatre, schéma tableau
Guide |ga d| ? ? visitors, tourists
Time : 1996 / Elizabethan times
Place : London, South Bank |sa ba!k|, Thames river|t mz|
Description : a covered stage, roofed galleries, uncovered pit
Problem : uncomfortable, no protection
Consequence expected : no performance in case of bad weather
Actor/actress : only male actors, women were forbidden on stage
Problem : Women were not allowed on stage
Consequence expected : Young men, boys played the role of women.
Objectifs de la CO : compréhension globale puis détaillée sous forme de classement des informations
essentielles par thème.
écoute globale : compléter le schéma (1° partie)
écoute « district » : compléter Time/Place
écoute « standing there » : compléter Description/pb
écoute « as women » : compléter Actor/actress/pb
The Globe
Prise de notes :
Book p. 110 Shakespeare’s Globe Monday, January 5th 2009
Where were the theatres situated ?
They were located on the South Bank near the Thames in London.
What did the Globe consist of ?
It consisted of a covered stage for actors, covered galleries for wealthy spectators and an
uncovered pit for the poor audience.
Who was allowed to play on stage ?
Only men were allowed to perform on stage. Women were forbidden to play in Elizabethan
What do you expect ? I expect men dressed up as women to play women’s role.
Homework : Récapituler le présentation du guide à partir de ses répliques page 110 du
livre et des notes prises sur le cahier. Savoir présenter à loral en POC.
Séance 2/7:
POC : Récap à partir d’un diaporama
1. Exploitation orale du dialogue en POI :
Micro Tâche / objectif séance:
« Savoir comprendre la visite d’un guide touristique sur un sujet préparé pour rendre compte
d’informations factuelles » (PO)
« Savoir décrire les caractéristiques du théâtre élisabéthain » (PO/EE)
Question/réponses, reformulation
Description, opposition : passé/présent, cause/conséquence
2. Prise de notes
In London,in the 17th century the South Bank used to be the London’s theatre
district, today the theatres are situated in the Strand on the North Bank near
Covent Garden. The theatre used to be a very popular entertainment. It didn’t
use to be expensive at all. The poor audience used to stand in the crowded pit
whereas the richer spectators used to sit in the covered galleries. Today we can
meet great actors and actresses in London but in Elizabethan times there were
only famous male actors. Women were not allowed on stage that’s why young
men used to play women’s role : Juliet, the nurse, the mother
3. PRL used to / Relis ta prise de note, réfléchis et complète :
Used to s’emploie surtout à la forme affirmative. A la forme négative ou
interrogative used to+Verbe se comporte comme un verbe normal.
Ex : The tickets didn’t use to be expensive. Did they use to stand in
the pit ?
Used to +Verbe fait revoir des choses, des actions qui appartiennent :
à notre époque à une époque révolue
Ces choses ou actions étaient à cette époque : générales habituelles
Homeworkcep : reprendre le tableau du DM du 5 janvier III IV. Et comparer le théâtre au temps de
Shakespeare et le théâtre de nos jours en utilisant « used to », « whereas », « but », « that’s
why ».
Séance 3/7 :
Micro tâche/objectif séance :
« Savoir présenter un acteur à partir d’une scène : apparence »
1. Correction/recap à partir du diaporama sur le théâtre élisabéthain.
Opposition théatre, vie à l’époque Elisabéthaine/de nos jours.
2. Videowork : exploitation orale d’un extrait de Shakespeare in Love (passage de la pièce de
Romeo and Juliet dans le film,but du spectacle.)
Passage de l’extrait sans le son, puis à nouveau sans son+ arrêt sur image
POI : Time / Place / Characters
3. Focus on the characters : description appearance identity
( Can you describe this actor ? What does he look like ? Who is he/she ?)
Distribuer la fiche de travail élève / OU / Fiche au retro, puis distribution enfin d’heure.
4. Prise de notes + PRL Look like/look+adjectives, Look+subject+verb
The actor is dressed like an Elizabethan prince.
In Shakespeare’s times men of royal status were allowed to wear all kinds of
clothes (ruffs, breeches, tights and boots) whereas ordinary people used to wear
only authorized clothes and colours.
He stands in front of the audience. He looks proud and confident so he must be
an experienced actor and a star.
Maybe the performance is about to start. He looks as if he is going to act in
Romeo and Juliet.
5. Homework : S’entraîner à présenter le document et les personnages sur le bloc ( revoir
questions/réponses). Savoir leçon cahier par cœur.
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