First mention of Lilith as second focal point of the lunar orbit

First mention of Lilith as second focal point
of the lunar orbit
For all that it appears, this was in 1937 in Les pr´esages `a la lumi`ere des lois
de l’´evolution (The Predictions in the Light of the Laws of Evolution) by D.
N´eroman, on page 199 and 200. He says there that this was the first time he
published about it. Extracts from the book can be found a bit further below.
The idea of a Black Moon as a real object in space is older, but today we know
that there is certainly no such kind of object. This here is about the idea to
define Lilith as the second (empty) focal point of the lunar orbit, as shown in
the drawing below, which is not true to scale (the orbit is much rounder and
Earth and Moon are smaller in comparison with the orbit):
If you imagined the lunar orbit to be reflective like a mirror, rays of light emitted
from Earth would again meet at the second focal point of the orbit, hence on
Lilith. Lilith has the same longitude as the apogee of the lunar orbit (the largest
distance from Earth), which is why in astrology the two are often treated in
practically the same way.
I looked at three books by D. N´eroman, one from 1993, Plan`etes et destins
(Planets and Destinies), published under the name Dom N´ecroman, the one
from 1937, and one from 1943, Trait´e d’astrologie rationelle (Treatise of Ra-
tional Astrology). Apparently N´eroman and N´ecroman were pseudonyms and
his real name was Pierre Rougi´e, according to Patrice Guinard in L’astrologie
fran¸caise au XX`eme si`ecle,
No mention of Lilith in the book of 1933, only in the book of 1937:
Les pesages
`a la lumi`ere des lois de l’´evolution
par D. N´eroman
Ing´enieur civil des mines
Coll`ege astrologique de France
Editions sous-le-ciel
Achev´e d’imprimer le 10 mars 1937, sur les presses de l’Imprimerie E. G. I.,
Directeur : Charles Fischer, 107, avenue de France, Anvers.
The Predictions
in the Light of the Laws of Evolution
by D. N´eroman
Civil mining engineer
Coll`ege astrologique de France
Editions “sous-le-ciel“
Printing completed 10 March 1937, on the printing presses of E. G. I.,
Director: Charles Fischer, 107, avenue de France, Anvers [Belgium].
He first mentions Lilith on page 199 and 200:
99. — Lilith, le trouble sexuel.
On connaˆıt le mythe de Lilith, lune noire . Puisqu’il s’agit d’un facteur
astrologique, la question qu’il pose a deux aspects : l’aspect astronomique,
qui permet de situer Lilith sur le Zodiaque, et l’aspect influentiel, qui est
scabreux et que je n’entends pas traiter ici.
Je n’ai jamais rien publi´e des travaux auxquels je me suis livr´e sur ce
facteur, la n´ecessit´e de cette publication ne s’´etant jamais impos´ee ; mais
voici que, dans cette ´etude d’une ´evolution g´en´erale, garder le silence sur
Lilith serait introduire une lacune ; je dirai donc ce que j’ai ´etabli ou cru
´etablir sur cet ´el´ement du th`eme astrologique, et je me contenterai natu-
rellement de r´esumer, me r´eservant de publier assez prochainement, sous
le titre Les luminaires noirs , l’´etude qui m’a donn´e ces r´esultats.
Le facteur qu’on appelle Lilith, c’est tout simplement, d’apr`es cette
´etude, le foyer vide de l’orbite lunaire ; donc sur le th`eme il se confond
avec l’apog´ee de la Lune.
[. . .]
Mais bien entendu ce n’est pas sur ce rapprochement que j’ai ´etabli
l’identit´e de Lilith et du foyer vide, et j’exposerai la question aussi compl`ete-
ment que possible dans Les luminaires noirs .
Pour l’instant, admettons que ce foyer est g´en´erateur des troubles et
des exasp´erations de la fonction sexuelle, sur lesquels nous n’avons pas
l’intention d’insister, et que par cons´equent nous pouvons l’appeler Lilith.
Approximate translation:
99. — Lilith, the sexual trouble.
The myth of Lilith, the “Black Moon”, is well-known. Since it is an
astrological factor, the resulting question has two aspects: the astronom-
ical aspect of situating Lilith in the zodiac, and the influential aspect,
which is scabrous and which I do not intend to treat here.
I have never published anything from the works to which I devoted my-
self regarding to this factor, the necessity to publish never imposed itself;
but here, in this study of a general evolution, keeping the silence on Lilith
would be to make an omission; I will thus say what I established, or be-
lieve to have established, on this astrological element, and I will naturally
content myself to summarize, reserving to publish quite soon the study
that gave me these results under the title “Les luminaires noirs” [“The
Black Luminaries”].
According to this study, the factor called Lilith is simply the empty fo-
cal point of the lunar orbit, hence topically it melts with the lunar apogee.
[. . .]
But of course it is not because of this approximation that I have estab-
lished the identity of Lilith with the empty focal point, and I will expose
the question as completely as possible in “Les luminaires noirs”.
For the moment, let us admit that this focal point is a generator of
troubles and exasperations of the sexual function, which we do not have
the intention to insist on, and consequently we can call it Lilith.
It seems that he never published “Les luminaires noirs”, since in the book from
1943 this title does does not appear in the lists of works by the author, but in the
book itself he speaks about Lilith, and also about the perigee, which he names
Priapus, and also about the similar points for the orbit of the Earth around the
Sun, namely the Black Sun (aphelion) and implicitly also the perihelion, which
today is often called Diamond in astrology.
What is also interesting in the book from 1937, is how N´eroman explains the
influence of virtual points like Lilith and the lunar nodes by making a comparison
with the center of gravity, which can be empty, like for example for a hollow
sphere, but still exert force. Similarly, the empty focal point and the lunar nodes
are also strongly linked to gravitational forces. More details in the book on page
200 and 201.
Here an impression of the book and the pages about Lilith:
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