Phrasal Verbs / Verbes prépositionnels

I got away from the house, I had always wanted to run away.
Il y a une différence syntaxique entre away et from:
Away accompagne le verbe et « get away », comme « run
away » peuvent n’être suivis de rien. Away est une PARTICULE.
From intoduit le complément du verbe indiquant le lieu
(« the house »). Il est nécessairement suivis d’un nom. From est
Dans la mesure où le verbe et la particule forment,
sémantiquement, un tout, on ne les dissocie pas dans la lecture.
He threw the ball away. He threw away the ball. He threw it away.
Si le complément du verbe est un nom, on peut placer la particule
soit devant soit derrière le nom. Si le complément est un
pronom, la particule se place derrière lui.
De nombreuses prépositions sont également employées
comme particules mais leur sens peut s’en éloigner:
 He gets up at three in the morning.
 They were brought up in Harlem.
 « Vasant grew up in a Bombay slum. He was very young
when he left school to look for work. He took to hanging
around the stock exchange. His face became familiar and
the stockbrokers sent him on little errands.” (Vikram Seth)
 Pick up the good ones only.
 You’ll have to make up for the damage.
 Could you put me up for the night ?
 I won’t put up with such behaviour.
 I gave up tennis at the age of 12.
 Sum up the story.
 Les verbes prépositionnels correspondent
souvent à des dérivés par affixation en français.
Ex : bring up é/lever ; take away em/porter ;
move out dé/ménager ; boil over dé/border ;
work out é/laborer.
Traduisez les phrases suivantes :
 The French revolution did away with privileges.
 The meeting was called off at the last minute.
 He really let his family down by failing his exams.
 We’ve looked into the problem thoroughly.
 I could hardly make out where the road was in
the fog.
 He went over his speech at the last minute.
 I’ve never come across this name before.
 Dans de nombreux cas, le phrasal verb se
traduira par un verbe simple en français. Le
sens de la particule est alors essentiel.
Ex :
She’s been hammering away at that
problem for ages.
Cela fait des années qu’elle s’acharne sur ce
My enthusiasm for the job tailed off after
a few weeks.
Mon enthousiasme pour ce travail diminua
après quelques semaines.
He chickened out at the last minute.
Il s’est dégonflé au dernier moment.
 Le sens du verbe prépositionnel peut être réparti sur deux termes en
français. Cela implique souvent un chassé croisé.
A kestrel veered away :
un faucon s’éloigna (away) en arc de
cercle (veered)
She would look away :
elle détournait (away) le regard (look)
 Parfois seule la particule est traduite car on omet le complément de
manière :
He walked out
Il sortit (en marchant)
He stepped aside
Il s’écarta (en faisant un pas)
He shrugged off the insults
Il ignora les insultes (en
haussant les épaules)
 Parfois seul le verbe est traduit car la particule n’a qu’une valeur
aspectuelle mettant en relief le parcours spatial ou temporel ou bien
marquant l’aspect terminatif d’un processus.
He shut the book up.
The audience rose up.
The shop had closed down.
They wanted me to come down.
He’ll ended up a Minister.
I had to slow down.
The silver shade brightened up the canvas.
Drink up your tea !
He gives in playing cards.
He went in for another game in spite of his
inevitable defeat.
They settled in.
Suddenly many found themselves dropped as
outsiders were brought in.
The battle broke out and the troups were
soon knocked out.
He carried out the plans he had sorted out
I could make out a blue boat in the distance
I go along with you on that point.
She stepped back and fell down the cliff.
You shouldn’t let her talk back that way.
After three minutes the line was cut off.
He did not like my letter and I had to write it
over again.
Can you hand those papers round ?
You can’t rule out this option before
examining it thoroughly.
1 In 1997, the Labour administration swept away the last remaining
obstacles to Private Finance Initiative.
2 If we have the election now, my majority will go up from 400 to 3,000.
3 Mr Brown’s closest allies say he should only go to the country if he
feels he has set out a clear vision.
4 Ministers point out that there are important policy and spending
announcements due to be published alongside the comprehensive
spending review next month.
5 Now on the dole, the Wildes feel badly let down after years of loyal
6 Up to 700 people who have worked for Danish Crown group regularly
will now have to look for jobs elsewhere.
7 “Migrants want a better life and good luck to them, but it’s bringing
down our way of life.”
8 After Gianni Versace’s death, far from withering away, the brand
seems as strong as ever.
9 Donatella was admitted to a drug therapy clinic for addiction to
cocaine. But since she checked out and cleaned up, Donatella has
worked hard.
During numerous takes, Daniel Radcliffe sings to himself, tapping out a
complex rhythm on the « dragon’s » neck; psyching himself up for the next
jump by jigging about ».
If there was any doubt that Tuesday night was a referendum on Obama,
voters made sure that anyone with close connections to the president was
washed away.
She has no role in government and can go on being her uncompromising
« We’re gonna stand up and we’re gonna speak out, and it may take some
renegades going rogue to get us there », she says as a giant grizzly bear
stands up and roars.
Obama has pushed through a $862 billion stimulus bill.
After the Haiti earthquake, Bush managed to come across as much more
So Obama faces a different game –which is where Palin’s name comes into
the strategies now being hammered out by politicians in Washington as they
look ahead over the two gruelling years to the presidential elections.
Back in the wilds of Alaska her political career seemed well and truly over
when she abruptly stepped down as governor.