training manual
Importance des témoignages et des
données scientifiques
•JC Ball and A Ross (1991). The effectiveness of
Methadone Maintenance Treatment. New York: Springer
•M Farrell, J Ward, R Mattick, W Hall, G Stimson, D des
Jarlais, M Gossop, J Strang (1994). Methadone
Maintenance Treatment in Opiate Dependence: a Review.
BMJ 309: 997-1001.
•A Preston (1996). The Methadone Briefing
•J Ward, R Mattick, W Hall (1998). Methadone
Maintenance Treatment and other Opioid Replacement
Therapies. Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
•H Joseph, S Stancliff, J Langrod (2000). Methadone
Maintenance Treatment (MMT): A review of Historical and
Clinical Issues. In: the Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
Vol.67 Nos 5&6