Liste des publications et communications réalisées pendant la formation doctorale
Articles publiés:
Schmitz M, Aroua S, Vidal B, Le Belle N, Elie P, Dufour S, 2005. Differential regulation of
luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone expression during ovarian development
and under sexual steroid feedback in the European eel. Neuroendocrinology 81: 107-119.
Aroua S, Schmitz M, Baloche S, Vidal B, Rousseau K, Dufour S, 2005. Endocrine evidence that
silvering, a secondary metamorphosis in the eel, is a pubertal rather than a metamorphic event.
Neuroendocrinology 82: 221-232.
Sbaihi M, Kacem A, Aroua S, Baloche S, Rousseau K, Lopez E, Meunier F, Dufour S, 2007. Thyroid
hormone-induced demineralisation of the vertebral skeleton of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Gen
Comp Endocrinol. 151(1): 98-107.
Aroua S, Weltzien F-A, Le Belle N, Dufour S, 2007. Development of real-time RT-PCR assays for
eel gonadotropins and their application to the comparison of in vivo and in vitro effects of sex
steroids. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 153(1-3): 333-343.
Article en préparation:
Aroua S, Baloche S, Le Belle N, Rousseau N, Dufour S. Activin differentially regulates luteinizing
hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone expression by eel pituitary cells.
Chapitres de livre:
Rousseau K, Aroua S, Schmitz M, Elie P, Dufour S. Silvering: metamorphosis or puberty ? In
‘Migration and Reproduction of the European eel’ (G. van den Thillart, S. Dufour, C. Rankin,
eds), Springer Publisher (sous presse).
Aroua S, Rousseau K, Schmitz M, Chang CF, Dufour S. Positive and negative regulations of
endogenous brain gonadoliberins and pituitary gonadotropins during eel artificial maturation. In
‘Migration and Reproduction of the European eel’ (G. van den Thillart, S. Dufour, C. Rankin,
eds), Springer Publisher (sous presse).
Communication orale:
Aroua S, Schmitz M, Weltzien F-A, Baloche S, Le Belle N, Rousseau K, Dufour S, 2006. Differential
expression of LHbeta and FSHbeta in European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Proceedings of the 23rd
Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Manchester, England. Abstract book p.
64, oral communication (O79).
Communications affichées:
Aroua S, Sbaihi M, Huang Y-S, Le Belle N, Dufour S, 2007. Synergistic action of androgens and
cortisol on gonadotropin regulation in European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Proceedings of the 8th
International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish in Saint Malo, France. Abstract
book p. 118, poster communication (P27).
Aroua S, Le Belle N, Schmitz M, Dufour S, 2007. In vitro regulation by activinB and IGFI of
gonadotropin expression in European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Proceedings of the 8th
International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish in Saint Malo, France. Abstract
book p. 119, poster communication (P28).