Journal #3: Ma Vacance et Mes
Résolutions pour 2016
This journal entry has two parts.
PART 1: Ma Vacance
A minimum of ten sentences
Use ten past tense verbs to describe things you did over your winter break/Christmas
vacation. Be sure to use sufficient details. Watch your spelling, grammar ( masculine
vs feminine, singular vs plural, etc.)
PART 2: Mes Résolutions pour 2016
Write a paragraph of 5 -6 sentences minimum detailing your goals and resolutions for
2016. In addition to the goals and resolutions, provide details. *Hint –Qui/Who?
Quoi/What? ( example –What will you do to achieve this goal?)
Quand/When?(When will you work on this?)
Où/Where? ( Where do you plan to do this ?)
Pourquoi/Why?( Why is this your goal or resolution ?)
Comment/How? (How do you lpan to do this or achieve this ?)
*See resource notes on next page to help you with the future format ( you can also look
at the PowerPoint you referred to for your 2016 flip-chart resolutions) Your journal
entry is the same idea, with more details and extended writing and use of vocabulary.