Les verbes qui prennent ÊTRE (1):
•ALLER (to go) allé
•ARRIVER (to arrive) arrivé (Lorraine est descendue au sous-sol = Lorraine went down to the basement)
•҉DESCENDRE (to go / come down) descendu (Lorraine a descendu les valises = Lorraine took the suitcases downstairs)
•DEVENIR (to become) ҉devenu
•ENTRER DANS (to enter) entré ҉Monter uses AVOIR when it has a DIRECT OBJECT
•҉MONTER (to go / come up) monté (Lorraine est montée dans le train = Lorraine got into the train)
•MOURIR (to die) ҉mort (Lorraine a monté les valises = Lorraine took the suitcases upstairs)
•NAÎTRE (to be born) ҉né
•PARTIR (to leave) parti ҉Passer uses AVOIR when it I has a DIRECT OBJECT
•҉PASSER (to go / pass by) passé (Lorraine est passée chez moi = Lorraine came by my house)
•҉RENTRER (to go in again / return) rentré (Lorraine a passé le sel = Lorraine passed the salt)
•RESTER (to stay) resté
•RETOURNER (to return) retourné ҉Rentrer uses AVOIR when it has a DIRECT OBJECT
•REVENIR (to come back) ҉revenu (Lorraine est rentrée tôt = Lorraine came home early)
•҉SORTIR (to go / take out) sorti (Lorraine a rentré le chat = Lorraine brought the cat in)
•TOMBER (to fall) tombé
•VENIR (to come) ҉venu ҉Sortir uses AVOIR when it has a DIRECT OBJECT
(Lorraine est sortie hier soir = Lorraine went out last night)
(Lorraine a sorti la voiture du garage = Lorraine took the car out of the garage)
•҉҉ devenir, mourir, naître, revenir, venir - all these verbs have IRREGULAR past participles