Atherosclerosis is characterized by the accumulation of low density lipoprotein (LDL)
associated with the proteoglycans of the arterial wall. Chimeric (ch) antibodies that
react against glycosaminoglycans (GAG) were generated. We tested the hypothesis
that vaccination with chP3R99, a mutant chimeric antibody of the P3 hybridoma, could
interfere with the retention of LDL by inducing a cascade of anti-idiotypic antibodies
directed against the GAG.
Male mice deficient in apolipoprotein E fed with a hypercholesterolemic diet were
given five subcutaneous injections of 50 µg of chP3R99 or chP3S98 (a mutant with
low reactivity) vaccine. The injections were performed every week or every two
weeks. After sacrifice, the aorta was perfused with PBS, excised and analyzed after
staining with Oil Red-O. The results were expressed as a percentage of lesions areas on
the total area of the aorta. The reactivity of the sera obtained was tested against the
chP3R99, chP3S98, heparin, dermatan and chondroïtin sulfate from obtained
immunized mice by ELISA. The anti-idiotypic response was measured by blocking the
anti-isotypic reactivity by a nonspecific IgG, hR3. In addition, the antibody chP3R99
binding to GAG in the atherosclerotic lesion was shown by an in vivo molecular
imaging device.