Dr. Garnier completed her PhD in Marketing on website loyalty (developing a relational model of loyalty to a search
engine) in 2006 at Pierre Mendès-France Grenoble II University, France. She also graduated for the Habilitation à
Diriger des Recherches in 2014 at Lille II University, France.
She was a fellow teacher at INPG Grenoble, CUEFA Grenoble, IUT Grenoble 2, IAE de Grenoble and Grenoble Ecole
de Management.
She has broad-ranging interests in the area of online marketing, including more specifically: the use of avatars for
marketing (consumer-avatars and embodied virtual sales agents); the virtual experience on 3D online merchant virtual
environments; online consuming experience; usability and marketing; evolutions of consumer behaviors due to
Internet (empowerment, savvy consumer); search engine and free websites marketing; and relational marketing online
and in traditional retailing. She is also developing research on consumer behavior and more especially on gender and
consumption. She has published in Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Information & Management, in the
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Journal of Marketing Management, Management et
Avenir, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and in international and national academic conference
proceedings (Advances in Consumer Research, Association Française de Marketing, EMAC and Academy of
Marketing, where she obtained an award for Best Paper in a Track). She is a permanent Associate Professor at
Skills & Interests
Fluent English
Notions of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Web Marketing, Retailing, Online Consumer Behavior, Statistics (SPSS) , Marketing Research Studies
Academically Qualified
Academic Degrees
HDR Université Lille 2, Grenoble, France, Sciences de Gestion, 2014
Doctorat Université Pierre Mendes, France, Genoble, Sciences de Gestion, 2007
Master Université Pierre-Mendes France, Grenoble, France, DEA en Sciences de Gestion - Marketing, 2002
Maitrise IUP Commerce et Vente, Grenoble, France, Commerce et Vente - spécialisation Achats, 2001
Work Experience
Professeur associé, département marketing, SKEMA (2007 - Present), Lille, France.
Attaché Temporaire à l'Enseignement et à la Recherche, IAE de Grenoble (2006 - 2007), Grenoble, France.
Enseignant Vacataire, Grenoble Ecole de Management (2006 - 2007), Grenoble, France.
Attaché Temportaire à l'Enseignement et à la Recherche, IUT 2 Grenoble (2005 - 2006), Grenoble, France.
Moniteur, CIES - INPG et IAE de Grenoble (2003 - 2005), Grenoble, France.
Allocataire de Recherche, Université Pierre-Mendès-France Grenoble 2 (2002 - 2005), Grenoble, France.
Enseignant vacataire, IUT 2 Grenoble et Université Stendhal Grenoble 3 (2002 - 2003), Grenoble, France.
Acheteuse voyages-véhicules, Crédit Lyonnais (April, 2001 - August, 2001), Paris, France.
Stage Commercial, La Precision S.L. (April, 2000 - August, 2000), Tarazona de la Mancha, Spain.
Stage Analyste Gestion, Caterpillar France S.A. (June, 1998 - October, 1998), Grenoble, France.
Articles in Journals
Ben Mimoun, M. S., Garnier, M., & Depledt, D. (2015). My Little Box, Oh My Little Box... A Video-
Netnographic Study On the Expression of Values in Subscription-Based E-Commerce. Journal of Applied
Business Research, 31 (3), 1159-1166.
Garnier, M. & Prostak, G. (in press, 2015). Pourquoi payer dans un jeu par navigateur gratuit? Motivations
à jouer et achat d'objets virtuels. Management & Avenir.
Ben Mimoun, M. S., Garnier, M., Ladwein, R., & Benavent, C. (2014). Determinants of e-consumer
productivity in product retrieval on a commercial website: an experimental approach. Information &
Management, 51 (4), 375-390.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2013). L'avatar en marketing: synthèse, cadre intégrateur et
perspectives. Recherches et Applications en Marketing, 26 (1).
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (in press, 2013). Identification to the avatar in a commercial 3D virtual world: a
dynamic perspective. European Advances in Consumer Research.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2012). Avatar identification on a 3D commercial website: gender issues. Journal
of Virtual Worlds Research, 5 (3).
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2012). Immersion in a new commercial virtual environment: the role of the avatar
in the appropriation process. Advances in Consumer research, 40.
Ben Mimoun, M. S., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2012). Case study: Embodied virtual agents: An analysis on
reasons for failure. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19 (6), 605-612.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2010). L'expérience sur un site de vente 3D. Le vrai, le faux et le virtuel : à la
croisée des chemins. Management & Avenir, 32 (1).
GARNIER, M. & Macdonald, E. (2010). The Savvy French Consumer: A cross-cultural
replication. Journal of Marketing Management, 25 (9-10), 964-986.
GARNIER, M. (2009). Search Engine Loyalty. Considering the commitment–loyalty link from a hedonic
versus utilitarian perspective. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 5 (1/2), 43-73.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). To be or not to be? Virtual Experience and Immersion on a 3D
Commercial Web Site. Advances in Consumer research.
GARNIER, M. (2006). Caractéristiques individuelles des internautes et fidélité envers un site. Revue du
Management Technologique, 15 (1), 21-46.
GARNIER, M. (2005). Fidélité au site Internet : analyse critique et approche exploratoire. Revue du
Management Technologique, 14 (1), 63-96.
Articles in Proceedings
Garnier, M., Poncin, I., & Unal-Deligny, M.L. (2015). Le catalogue enrichi : adoption, valeur et expérience
pour le consommateur. Actes du Congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), Marrakech.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2015). Le catalogue en ligne enrichi tient-il ses promesses face à un site Internet
classique ? Une comparaison sur l'utilité perçue et l'expérience vécue par le consommateur. Actes de la
13ème Journée de Recherche sur le Marketing Digital, La Sorbonne, Paris.
Tiercelin, A. & Garnier, M. (in press, 2015). Libérez le Batman en vous. Le cosplay et la consommation de
genre. Actes des 14èmes Journées Normandes sur la Recherche en Consommation, Angers.
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., Ben Mimoun, M. S., & Leclercq, T. (2015). New technologies and shopping
experience: are gamification interfaces effective? The case of the Smartstore. EMAC - European
Marketing Academy Conference.
Garnier, M. & Prostak, G. (2013). Pourquoi payer dans un jeu gratuit ? Vers un profil du joueur prêt à
payer pour un objet virtuel dans un jeu par navigateur. Actes de la 12ème Journée de Recherche sur le
e-marketing, La Sorbonne, Paris.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2012). La dynamique d'identification à l'avatar dans un univers commercial en
3D. Congrès International de l'Association Française du Marketing.
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., & Ben Mimoun, M. (2012). Improving consumer performance and perceived
service quality in a new type of commercial environment in 3D: the help of a virtual
salesperson. AM2012.
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., & Ben Mimoun, M. (2012). Humanisation et socialisation sur Internet entre AVI et
AVATAR mon coeur balance. Congrès Association Information and Management (AIM).
Poncin, I., Ben Mimoun, M., & Garnier, M. (2011). Ubiquitous Technologies: A new challenge for
multichannel marketing. EMAC - European Marketing Academy Conference.
Poncin, I., Ben Mimoun, M., & Garnier, M. (2011). Virtual Sales Agents: the reasons of failure. World
Academy of Marketing Science.
Ben Mimoun, M., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2010). U-Virtual Sales Agents: Ubiquity as the new challenge
for Multichannel Retailing. Multichannel Retailing Special session, 39th European Marketing Academy
Conference (EMAC).
Ben Mimoun, S., Gentina, E., & Garnier, M. (2010). Identité, extimité et marque, sur Facebook: Une
approche « Webnographique ». Actes de la Conférence de l'AIM.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, E. (2010). Joindre l'utile à l'agréable ? L'expérience de shopping sur un site
commercial en 3D. Actes de la Conférence de l'AFM.
Ben Mimoun, S., Garnier, M., & Poncin, I. (2010). U-Virtual Sales Agents: Ubiquity as the new challenge
for Multichannel Retailing. Proceedings of EMAC Conference.
GARNIER, M., Maille, V., & Poncin, I. (2010). Perceived realism and virtuality: the impact of sensory
experiences on a 3D commercial website. Proceedings of EMAC Conference.
Ben Mimoun, S., Garnier, M., & Poncin, I. (2010). A new typology of Virtual Sales Agents. Proceedings of
the Academy of Marketing Conference.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2010). Joindre l'utile à l'agréable ? L'expérience de shopping sur un site
commercial en 3D. AFM Annual Conference.
Ben Mimoun, S., Gentina, E., & Garnier, M. (2010). Identité, extimité et marque, sur Facebook: Une
approche Webnographique. 15th Congress of the French Informational and Management Association.
Garnier, M., Maille, V., & Poncin, I. (2010). Perceived Realism and Virtuality: The Impact of Sensory
Experiences on a 3D Commercial Website. EMAC - European Marketing Academy Conference.
Ben Mimoun, M., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2010). L'apport des avatars vendeurs sur un site commercial
3D. Journée de Recherche en E-Marketing.
Ben Mimoun, M., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2010). A new typology of Virtual Sales Agents. Academy of
Marketing Science Annual Conference.
GARNIER, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). To be or not to be ? Virtual experience and immersion on a 3D
commercial website. Proceedings of Advances in Consumer Research.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). To be or not to be ? Virtual experience and immersion on a 3D
commercial website. Advances in Consumer Research.
PONCIN, I. & Garnier, M. (2009). L'expérience sur un site de vente 3D. Le vrai, le faux et le virtuel : à la
croisée des chemins. Journée du e-marketing.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). A Sims on the screen... is it me?': Consumer as an avatar and immersion
on a 3D commercial website. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference.
GARNIER, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). To be or not to be ? Virtual experience and immersion on a 3D
commercial website. Proceedings of Advances in Consumer Research.
GARNIER, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). A Sims on the screen... is it me?': Consumer as an avatar and
immersion on a 3D commercial website. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference.
GARNIER, M. (2009). The Savvy French Consumer: A cross-cultural replication. Proceedings of the
Academy of Marketing Conference.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2009). L'expérience sur un site de vente 3D : du réel à l'imaginaire, la troisième
voie du virtuel. Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
Desse, S. & Garnier, M. (2008). An Exploratory Research on the Concept of Attachment to the Retailer : a
Work in Progress for a New Scale Development. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference.
GARNIER, M. (2008). Exploring The Dark Side of Commitment An Application to the Commitment- Loyalty
Link Toward a Search Engine. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference.
GARNIER, M. (2007). Measuring Web site loyalty: a comparison between action, intention and
recommendation. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference.
GARNIER, M. & Gavard-Perret, M. L. (2003). Internet et traitement de l'information : contribution à la
compréhension du comportement de l'internaute. Actes du Congrès de l'Association Française de
Marketing (AFM).
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements
Garnier, M. (2015). C'est moi, ici et là. Une étude comparative de l'identification à l'avatar dans différentes
contextes chez les Digital Natives. Digital Natives et consommation numérique, coordonné par T. Stenger.
Editions EMS.
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., & Maille, V. (2014). A Merchant Virtual Universe as an innovative and competitive
online retail setting: a dynamic perspective on the immersion process. In Press, In E. Pantano (Ed.),
Successful technological integration for competitive advantage in retail settings.
Ben Mimoun, M., Garnier, M., & Poncin, I. (2013). Improving consumer performance and perceived service
quality in a new type of commercial environment in 3D, thanks to embodied virtual sales agents. In H.
Elgohary IGI Global 2013 (Ed.), E-Marketing in Developed and Developing Countries: Emerging Practices.
IGI Global.
GARNIER, M. & Gentina, E. (2009). Case Study « ». In C. Sempels et M.
Vandercammen (Ed.), Oser le Marketing Durable – Concilier Marketing et Développement Durable.
France: Pearson Education.
Conference Presentations
Garnier, M. (2015, November). Libérez le Batman en vous" Le cosplay et la consommation de genre.
Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Angers, France.
Garnier, M. (2015, October). Cosplay in Gender Troubles. Advances in Consumer Research North
American Conference 2015, New-Orleans, United States of America.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2013). Identification to the avatar in a commercial 3D virtual world: a dynamic
perspective. European Advances in Consumer Research, Barcelona, Spain.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2012). La dynamique d'identification à l'avatar dans un univers commercial en 3D.
Congrès International de l'Association Française du Marketing, Brest, France.
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., & Ben Mimoun, M. (2012). Improving consumer performance and perceived service
quality in a new type of commercial environment in 3D: the help of a virtual salesperson. AM2012,
Southampton, United Kingdom.
Poncin, I., Garnier, M., & Ben Mimoun, M. (2012). Humanisation et socialisation sur Internet entre AVI et
AVATAR mon coeur balance. Congrès Association Information and Management (AIM), Bordeaux,
Poncin, I., Ben Mimoun, M., & Garnier, M. (2011). Virtual Sales Agents: the reasons of failure. World
Academy of Marketing Science, Reims, France.
Poncin, I., Ben Mimoun, M., & Garnier, M. (2011). Ubiquitous Technologies: A new challenge for
multichannel marketing. EMAC - European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubjana, Slovenia.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2011). Avatar Identification on 3D Commercial Website: Gender Issues. Informs
Marketing Science Conference, Houston, Texas.
Poncin, I., Ben Mimoun, M., & Garnier, M. (2011, October). The help of a virtual salesperson: a way of
improving Consumer Performance and perceived quality of service in a new type of commercial
environment (3D). Conférence International Innovation Service et Marketing Digital (ISMD), Lille, France.
Ben Mimoun, S., Gentina, E., & Garnier, M. (2010). Identité, extimité et marque, sur Facebook: Une
approche Webnographique. 15th Congress of the French Informational and Management Association, La
Rochelle, France.
Ben Mimoun, S., Garnier, M., & Poncin, I. (2010). A new typology of Virtual Sales Agents. Proceedings of
the Academy of Marketing Conference, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Ben Mimoun, S., Garnier, M., & Poncin, I. (2010). U-Virtual Sales Agents: Ubiquity as the new challenge
for Multichannel Retailing. Proceedings of EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ben Mimoun, S., Gentina, E., & Garnier, M. (2010). Identité, extimité et marque, sur Facebook: Une
approche « Webnographique ». Actes de la Conférence de l'AIM, La Rochelle, France.
Ben Mimoun, M., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2010). L'apport des avatars vendeurs sur un site commercial
3D. Journée de Recherche en E-Marketing, Paris, France.
Ben Mimoun, M., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2010, July). A new typology of Virtual Sales Agents. Academy
of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Ben Mimoun, M., Poncin, I., & Garnier, M. (2010, June). U-Virtual Sales Agents: Ubiquity as the new
challenge for Multichannel Retailing. Multichannel Retailing Special session, 39th European Marketing
Academy Conference (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Garnier, M., Maille, V., & Poncin, I. (2010, June). Perceived Realism and Virtuality: The Impact of Sensory
Experiences on a 3D Commercial Website. EMAC - European Marketing Academy Conference,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2010, May). Joindre l'utile à l'agréable ? L'expérience de shopping sur un site
commercial en 3D. AFM Annual Conference, Le Mans, France.
GARNIER, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). To be or not to be ? Virtual experience and immersion on a 3D
commercial website. Proceedings of Advances in Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, United States of
GARNIER, M. (2009). The Savvy French Consumer: A cross-cultural replication. Proceedings of the
Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom.
GARNIER, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). A Sims on the screen... is it me?': Consumer as an avatar and
immersion on a 3D commercial website. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds,
United Kingdom.
GARNIER, M. & Poncin, I. (2009). To be or not to be ? Virtual experience and immersion on a 3D
commercial website. Proceedings of Advances in Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, United Kingdom.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2009). L'expérience sur un site de vente 3D : du réel à l'imaginaire, la troisième
voie du virtuel. Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Niagara Falls, Canada.
Poncin, I. & Garnier, M. (2009). L'expérience sur un site de vente 3D. Le vrai, le faux et le virtuel : à la
croisée des chemins. Actes de la Journée de Recherche en E-Marketing, Paris, France.
Garnier, M. & Poncin, I. (2009, October). To be or not to be ? Virtual experience and immersion on a 3D
commercial website. Advances in Consumer Research, Pittsburgh, United States of America.
PONCIN, I. & Garnier, M. (2009, September). L'expérience sur un site de vente 3D. Le vrai, le faux et le
virtuel : à la croisée des chemins. Journée du e-marketing, Paris, France.
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