Abridged English version
The Southwest Pacific can be regarded as the result of the
complex interaction between the Pacific and Australia
plates. Current convergence between these two plates is
accommodated by a very large area of active deformation
up to 1000 km wide and including two opposite subduction
zones associated with active island arcs and back-arc basin
spreading (fig. 1). In the southeastern area, the Pacific plate
is subducting westward at the Tonga-Kermadec trench. By
contrast, in the western area the Australia plate is subduc-
ting east and northward within the Vanuatu, San Cristobal
and New Britain trenches. From south to north, these two
opposite subduction zones are associated with a series of
small oceanic basins (marginal basins) which constitute a
sort of bumper zone between the two large plates: the Havre
trough behind the Kermadec arc, the Lau basin behind the
Tonga arc, the North Fiji basin between Vanuatu and Fiji
islands, and the Manus basin behind the New Britain arc.
The junction between the two opposite subduction zones
consists of a high number of interconnected active sprea-
ding centres in the North Fiji and Lau basins, linked by
transform faults (Falvey, 1975, 1978; Malahoff et al.,
1982a, and b; Auzende et al., 1988a, b, c; Pelletier and
Louat, 1989; Louat and Pelletier, 1989; Pelletier et al.,
1998), which reflect an intense convection in the underlying
upper mantle. The two basins have a strong heat flow, a thin
oceanic lithosphere and low seismic velocities in the mantle,
which confirm that the mantle is remarkably active under
the whole area (Lagabrielle et al., 1997).
Opening of the North Fiji basin (fig. 2) occurs primarily
in the central and southern parts of the basin, along two NS
axes at a relatively fast rate (Auzende et al., 1994b; Huchon
et al., 1994). A third axis, trending EW and opening slowly,
characterizes the northern part of the basin (Price and
Kroenke, 1991; Pelletier et al., 1993; Lagabrielle et al.,
1996; Ruellan et al., 1996). The main NS spreading axis
extends near 173°30'E (fig. 3 and fig. 4), from 21° 50' S to
14° 20' S, and consists of four segments trending N160°E to
N15°E. It also includes a triple junction and a wide propa-
gator, and is dotted with numerous active hydrothermal sites
(Auzende et al., 1989, 1990; Maillet et al., 1986, 1989;
Lafoy et al., 1990; Nojiri et al., 1989; Ruellan et al., 1989,
1994a; Eissen et al., 1991, 1994; Grimaud et al., 1991;
Tanahashi et al., 1994; Bendel et al., 1993; de Alteriis et al.,
1993; Jarvis and Kroenke, 1993; Gracia et al., 1994, 1996;
Huchon et al., 1994; Ishibashi et al., 1994; Joshima et al.,
1994; Kisimoto et al., 1994; Lagabrielle et al., 1994).
Current opening rates vary from 4 to 8 cm/yr. Cross-axis
morphology exhibits important variability, from a flat dome,
to a ridge cut by an axial graben, to a succession of deep, en
echelon depressions. The axis is active since at least 2.5 Ma
(anomaly 2) and probably since 3.5-3 Ma (anomaly 2A?).
Kinematic reorganization took place between 1.6 Ma (end of
anomaly 2) and 1 Ma (anomaly J), with a triple junction ini-
tiation at 16°50' S, the onset of opening along the N15°E
and N160°E segments, the northward propagation of the
N5°E segment, and the N5°E segment spreading accelera-
tion. The southernmost segment is offset, at 21° S, by the
Jean-Charcot transform zone and ends at 21° 40' S.
The second spreading axis is located near 176° E, in a
zone of intense seismic activity (Hamburger and Isacks,
1988; Louat and Pelletier, 1989), and comprises two over-
lapping segments trending N10°E to N20°E. It is active
since at least 1 Ma (anomaly J) with an average opening
rate of 5 cm/yr (Huchon et al., 1994; Auzende et al., 1995a).
The third EW trending axis (South Pandora and Tripartite
ridges), which has a low spreading rate (1.6 cm/yr), was
first regarded as a fracture zone (Eguchi, 1984; Hamburger
and Isacks, 1988). It cuts across the whole northern North
Fiji basin (Pelletier et al., 1988 and 1993; Louat and Pelle-
tier 1989; Price and Kroenke, 1991; Lagabrielle et al.,
1995, 1996; Ruellan et al., 1996), and consists of segments
with highly variable morphology (graben with or without
neovolcanic ridges, large dome, …) trending N75°E to
N110°E, with lengths of 80 to 120 km, and offset 10 to 30 km
by relay zones (shift, OSC or propagators) (Garel et al.,
2005). There is no RRR triple junction between this EW
trending axis and the NS central axis (Lagabrielle et al.,
1996; Ruellan et al., 1996).
The basalts generated along the North Fiji basin sprea-
ding axis are mainly of three types (Eissen et al., 1994): (1)
N-MORB basalts emplaced along the central spreading sys-
tem. They are typical of mature oceanic ridges. (2) Slightly
enriched basalts with a low Niobium content have been
sampled also along some segments of the central spreading
system. This indicates contamination by subducted mate-
rials, a characteristic of back-arc magmatism. (3) Transitio-
nal MORB-E to OIB type basalts are abundant in the nor-
thern part of the basin. This indicates the increasing
influence of an enriched mantle source in the northern
North Fiji basin (Price et al., 1990; Lagabrielle et al., 1997;
Guivel et al., 1997).
The opening of the basin can be divided into three major
stages according to NE-SW (12-7 Ma), N-S (7-3 Ma), and
finally E-W (since 3.5-3 Ma) directions (Auzende et al.,
1988c, 1995b) (fig. 5). The triangular shape of the basin is
the final result of these three successive opening stages
which accompanied the migration and the rotation of the
Vanuatu arc and the Fiji Platform.
The Lau Basin and the Havre Trough are parts of a same
N-S shallow active back-arc system (fig. 1 and fig. 2) (Gill,
1976; Lawver et al., 1976; Weissel, 1977; Falvey, 1978;
Cherkis, 1980; Larue et al., 1982; Malahoff et al., 1982a;
Eguchi, 1984; Scholl and Vallier, 1985; Foucher et al.,
1988; Hamburger and Isacks, 1988; Pelletier and Louat,
1989). The whole back-arc system shows asymmetrical ope-
ning which results in several regions with highly contrasting
structures, two in the south in the Havre Trough and three,
maybe more, in the Lau Basin. Seafloor spreading occurs
only in the Lau basin, mainly in the eastern side of this
basin, and is strongly influenced by the oblique subduction
and southward sweeping of the Louisville Ridge carried by
the downgoing Pacific plate (von Stackelberg and von Rad,
1990; Parson et al., 1990; Collier and Sinha, 1992; Fouquet
et al., 1991; Hughes-Clarke et al., 1993; Wiedicke and Col-
122 Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2005, n° 2, p. 121-142
Etienne Ruellan et Yves Lagabrielle