Robot Adept Cobra 600
Manuel d’instruction
Robot Adept Cobra 600
Manuel d’instruction
00560-00102, Rév. A.
Mai 1998
150 Rose Orchard Way • San Jose, CA 95134 • USA • Phone (408) 432-0888 • Fax (408) 432-8707
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 23 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • Phone (49) • Fax(49)
41, rue du Saule Trapu • 91300 • Massy • France • Phone (33) • Fax (33)
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Copyright © 1998 par Adept Technology, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
Le logo Adept est une marque de commerce déposée de Adept Technology, Inc.
Adept, AdeptOne, AdeptOne-MV, AdeptThree, AdeptThree-MV, AdeptThree-XL, PackOne,
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Toute marque de commerce d'une autre entreprise utilisée dans
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Imprimé aux États-Unis
Rév. A.
Declaration of Conformity/Konformitätserklärung/Déclaration de Conformité
We/Wir/Nous, Adept Technology, Inc., 150 Rose Orchard Way, San Jose, California 95134, USA,
declare under our sole responsibility that the product / erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß das Produkt /
déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit :
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards.
/ auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den folgenden Normen.
/ auquel se réfère cette déclaration est conforme aux normes.
We declare that the machine in the form delivered by us, subject to the usage conditions specified below, complies
with the relevant and fundamental safety and health requirements defined in EU Directive 89/336/EEC, Annex I, and
the following standards. The machine must not be put into operation until all of the machinery into which it is
incorporated has been declared in compliance with the provisions of the effective versions of the directives. This
includes all supplementary equipment and protective devices.
EU Directives / EG-Richtlinien / Directives Communautaires / Direttiva CE:
89/336, 91/263, 92/31, 93/68(Machinery)
89/392, 91/368, 93/44, 93/68(EMC)
73/23, 93/68(Electrical Equipment)
Usage and installation conditions
The product must be installed and used strictly in accordance with the AdeptThree-XL Robot Instruction Handbook
(document p/n 00862-00100). In particular, the robot system must be installed with user-supplied perimeter barrier
interlocks. The design of the barrier interlocks must provide a Category 3 level of control per EN 954.
If the system has the EN 954 Category 1 Control System option: The barrier interlocks must interrupt the AC supply to the
PA-4 Power Chassis in the event of personnel attempting to enter the workcell. You must teach the robot from outside
the barrier, or with arm power off.
The system must incorporate only those plug-in modules and accessories listed in Table 1 or Table 2. If modules or
accessories listed in Table 2 are installed, the user must verify conformance to the EMC Directive after installation.
This Declaration applies only to those Adept product part numbers specifically listed in this declaration. The
following changes may result in the system not complying with the applicable Directives, and would void this
declaration unless additional testing and/or evaluation is performed by the user:
unauthorized user modifications;
substitution or addition of Adept parts not listed on this declaration;
addition of user-supplied parts and accessories.
Robot/Roboter: Adept Cobra 600 30560-10100
Pendant/Handbediengerät/ Unità portatile : MCP III 90332-48050
Control system/Steuerung/
Système de commande/
Sistema di comando:
Adept MV-5
Adept MV-10
30340-10000, -30000
30340-20000, -40000
Adept PA-4
C Amp
VFP-1 90332-00380
EN 55011:1991, Class A (EMC: Emissions) CISPR 11: 1990
EN 50082-2: 1995 (EMC: Immunity)
EN 292-1: 1991 & EN292-2 +A1: 1995 (Safety of machinery)
EN 60204-1: 1992, IP20 (Electrical safety) IEC 204-1: 1992
EN 775: 1992 (Robot safety) ISO 10218:1992
EN 954-1:1996 (Safety related parts of control systems)
EN 1050: 1996 (Risk assessment)
San Jose, California, USA
Richard J. Casler, Jr. (Vice President, Engineering) 12 Dec 1997
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