Entropy is generally considered as an emergent property, while the emergence of certain organized
structures is supposed to be the result of entropy dissipation. Thus, emergence is sometimes seen as
explaining entropy, whereas sometimes the explanation is the other way around, as entropy would
explain emergence. As such both statements cannot be true. Faced with the daunting polysemy of these
concepts of emergence, entropy and explanation, I argue that this apparent paradox can be formally
solved as follows: the emergence (in a sense A) explains (in a sense B) entropy (in a sense, C) and entropy
(in a sense D) explains (in a sense E) emergence (in a sense F). The solution is therefore to specify A, B,
C, D, E, and F. To do this, I suggest a (restricted) pluralistic model of explanation and a critical
examination of the concept of entropy.
In the case of entropy as explanandum of emergence (A, B and C), what is emerging is irreversibility
as an essential property of thermodynamic entropy, but it cannot be emergence of synonymous of non-
explicability. I then show three possibilities that can explain the emergence of thermodynamic entropy:
(i) in a strong sense, as an ontological modality, (ii) in an intermediate sense, from what I call
‘methodological emergence’ (where there is a possibility of reductive explanation but no derivational
reduction), or (iii) in a weak sense, as its designation as a member of an emergence class.
In the case of entropy as explanans of emergence (D, E, and F), one must distinguish the substantive
approach from the analogical approach. In the first case, entropy refers to a robust and autonomous
macroscopic property that can be mobilized in an explanans of the emergence of new complex
structures. In the second case, the entropy exemplifies multiple realizability and can be mobilized, with
a proper justification, within an explanans of the emergence of properties at higher levels. Ultimately,
the polysemy of these concepts can be fruitful in this explanatory framework for various complex
phenomena, from physics to biology.
Keywords: entropy, emergence, explanation, complexity, statistical physics, population genetics.